Recording of live Chat with Brian on 11/27/11

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Thanks very much for posting the replay of this chat and for all you do.

I've learned (and unlearned) an awful lot of great golf by coming to your site. I found it when I got back into the game a couple of years ago while searching the 'net.

I shanked a lot of golf shots over the years trying to perform a forward hands impact position. It was especially frustrating after being a self-taught flipper of the golf ball.

I must say though that between working all those years on that and then working on your pre-new-release stuff, I'm now able to hit the ball better than ever by not ever worrying about dragging cocked wrists down to impact.

Thanks again and keep up the great work. It is truely appreciated.


Brian Manzella

Thanks very much for posting the replay of this chat and for all you do.

I've learned (and unlearned) an awful lot of great golf by coming to your site. I found it when I got back into the game a couple of years ago while searching the 'net.

I shanked a lot of golf shots over the years trying to perform a forward hands impact position. It was especially frustrating after being a self-taught flipper of the golf ball.

I must say though that between working all those years on that and then working on your pre-new-release stuff, I'm now able to hit the ball better than ever by not ever worrying about dragging cocked wrists down to impact.

Thanks again and keep up the great work. It is truely appreciated.


Thanks for the kind words Tony.

Do drag zone here. ;)


I just watched it again yesterday. Thanks Brian for doing things like this. It was nice to get some validation for my thoughts and hearing your explanations for the other questions as well. Makes me want to continue to work on the tour pitch because I was beginning to think I might be hopeless.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
I just watched it again yesterday. Thanks Brian for doing things like this. It was nice to get some validation for my thoughts and hearing your explanations for the other questions as well. Makes me want to continue to work on the tour pitch because I was beginning to think I might be hopeless.

Never hopeless!!!!!! You just mead a lightbulb moment. You are a supreme float and drag chipper. You'll get it.


Never hopeless!!!!!! You just mead a lightbulb moment. You are a supreme float and drag chipper. You'll get it.

I know this. Still looking for a lightbulb. You were a huge help and I feel like I can get it going with a pile of balls at my feet but on the course I am just clueless. You can count on one thing and that is I will be working on it a bunch this winter.


New member
You want to "junk" the idea of axis tilt but do you also want to junk the idea of "lateral/side bend"?

In the clip you played of yourself talking about Tiger, from the Font 9 App, you talk about how Tiger gets the club working up the left arm--is that ok because he's swinging left enough to counteract the down to produce the straight ball? If this is okay for Tiger why is it okay? Because of the latter point? Is a non-up the left arm through impact position better for shallow strikers?
I know this. Still looking for a lightbulb. You were a huge help and I feel like I can get it going with a pile of balls at my feet but on the course I am just clueless. You can count on one thing and that is I will be working on it a bunch this winter.

Just try to channel a 30 handicappers full swing sequence.
Sounds easier than it is for sure. Something about the security of dragging the weight of the club is like Linus' blanket for me.

The first time I pulled it off on the course it was a major rush, starting laughing out loud.

Once you find the middle to back edge of the sole it's easier to except all the clubhead speed and to convince yourself that you won't send the ball 100 over the green.

Always working on a modified version for everyday use

and Kevin is king of this shot!
Sounds easier than it is for sure. Something about the security of dragging the weight of the club is like Linus' blanket for me.

You've got to embrace the wrong. What you've been told was wrong. What you feel is wrong. What you think looks wrong. All the wrongs make a right. :)
Thanks for the U-stream video, awesome stuff and I really appreciate your time.

It's a rush alright, especially when your playing partners are yelling for it to stop while its in the air and you already know its perfect...
Just try to channel a 30 handicappers full swing sequence.

Brian worked with me on that sequence at my lesson in October and basically said imitate the worst hacker swing on the driving range (and then did his imitation for me) and I could sort of do it for a week or two later after the lesson - that whole reverse sequence on the downswing with the club moving first , then hands, then arms, etc. - but I swear I just can't get myself to do it now. It's like no matter what i do my pivot has to move first when I am really playing and I just have the hardest time reversing the sequence. And I still laugh every time I see Brian do his exaggerated imitation of that reverse sequence, but it's just the hardest thing for me to do. Weird, I know.


Hi.... I am new one out here...Just joined the forum and opened up this thread.... I want to know that what discussion is being done out here... And what are we supposed to post in here... I shall be grateful on your assistance... Looking forward for positive response and Thanking in advance!!
welcome to the best golfsite on the internet! Since your new here I would suggest to read some other threads and get a handle on whats going on, which is a lot i mean alot. To give you something to chew on try the sergio garcia tumble thread and the the release thread, these will give you a taste of what is currently going on again welcome hope u stick around for awhile.
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