Refine my SDP, please.

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I picked up this pattern in the off-season and I can tell it is the swing for me.* In my unofficial rounds it has improved my ball striking by making fat shots almost non-existent, provided a tighter dispersion, and generally less curvature.* More GIRs have been the result.* I am a 6 handicap with general weaknesses in the short game.* Pulls are a miss with any swing which I think stems from my right hand moving “upright” early in the downswing putting me into the exact position shown in this month’s GMag article featuring the instructor with the door.** I also occasionally overcook the draw.* I don’t own NHA.* I am leery about mixing up something that is looking so promising with different patterns.

I do have a couple of problems and questions and hope to hear some specific insight.* My official season has begun and I’m anxious to see if SDP can shave off a couple more strokes.* A 4.x handicap would feel pretty good.

YES, I have searched, and have read the entire SDP thread more than once and have watched the d-plane video multiple times.* I think these specific questions with specific insight in a specific thread will provide guidance to a lot of people on the board.* Help, please.


1.***** What, specifically, can I change to hit a fade, or even a push / push-fade?

2.***** What is a tip or fix to get out of the pull downswing position I’ve mentioned?

3.***** What tips should be employed in short game shots with SDP?* Particularly chips?

4.***** How do you employ a bunker shot with SDP?

5.***** I still can’t figure out how to download the video.

Commentary (mine, on the Questions):

1.***** I continued to have problems with Fairway accuracy.* Last night on drives (range) I made sure the ball was forward, opened my stance and the face slightly.* I hit my drives VERY hard with what felt like a slight push and very little curvature.

2.***** I’m going to try and strengthen my right hand grip which is essentially straight up if my left hand grip were toward the left shoulder.* That is just how my right hand folds over my left thumb naturally, pushing that fold to the middle of my palm rather than nearer the right thumb.

3.***** Especially with chips and other very short shots it seems there is a lot of physical movement to accomplish with incorporating the weight transfer, inside takeaway, weight transfer forward, etc. in such a very short swing.* CAVEAT; I’m hitting the best chips I ever have, but it takes A LOT of work and concentration for very small/short work.

4.***** I have no idea.

5.***** Ditto.

Thank you, Brian and crew, for your wonderful instruction.* I would love to make it to a personal lesson, but don’t live in a location (the Great Plains) that you’ll likely ever travel near.* A trip to NO is probably my only chance, but considering I travelled to the South to drop some dough on another instructor two years ago it might be awhile before the spousal accountant approves another such expenditure.
This is simply a comment. I don't understand the assumption that just because you embrace a pattern, in this case Soft Draw, that you conclude it must be used for every situation. Brian has a video called Over and Out for Bunker play. I don't think it works for many full swing patterns. Chip shots, Soft Draw? Sounds like you are making this way too complicated.

Just my 2 cents.
This is simply a comment. I don't understand the assumption that just because you embrace a pattern, in this case Soft Draw, that you conclude it must be used for every situation. Brian has a video called Over and Out for Bunker play. I don't think it works for many full swing patterns. Chip shots, Soft Draw? Sounds like you are making this way too complicated.

Just my 2 cents.

Dude, it was the guys first post ever. And you are... 1049 posts in. Give the guy a break, he's obviously new to the site. And starting with, "This is simply a comment," doesn't make what you are saying any more helpful. Maybe "This in no way answers any of your questions," would be aprapos.

I apologize for also not answering any of the OP's questions, as I have none.
The answer is simple. I like the pattern. I like the feel. I like the results and because of all of those things I would like to know if I can incorporate the same throughout every shot.

One possible answer is... No, but over and out is great for bunker shots.

I will now buy that video.

You should have received an email with the user name/password and links to download the videos in QuickTime and Windows media format.
Hey marlboro, please do not tell me what to post. There was no ill intent on my part.
You don't need to jump in with your Politically Correct, touchy feely, stuff.

I didn't answer the questions, because I don't know the answers. Therefore, I made a comment.
Last time I checked, that's allowed, Dude! God I hate that stupid word.


New member
1.***** What, specifically, can I change to hit a fade, or even a push / push-fade?

2.***** What is a tip or fix to get out of the pull downswing position I’ve mentioned?

3.***** What tips should be employed in short game shots with SDP?* Particularly chips?
Hope this helps:
The "toss" is the key to "Soft Draw."

Otherwise it becomes "Soft Push Fade."
How do you HIT the Tour pitch?

Well you DON'T hit it like a "Flipper/Ben Doyle" pitch, or any other "up the left arm at the end of the follow-through" pitch.

You have to have the club go down to a VERY SLIGHTLY forward leaning shaft at impact, and then havet he clubhead go RAPIDLY BACK UP with lots of face layback.

You will BARELY brush the grass if you have good lie.
"Modern wisdom on pitching emphasizes a flat left wrist and a bent right wrist throughout the shot. Players who listen to this end up with the butt of the grip really far away from the belt buckle at the finish. It's stiff, it's unnatural, and it's ineffective.

"Instead, think about keeping the butt of the grip close to your beltline throughout the shot. The best players in the world keep the distance between the club and their belt constant. This move gives you a slightly flatter angle of descent into the ball, lessening the chances of chunking the shot and also forcing the right wrist to release a bit - that adds loft and produces both more spin and more consistent contact. Practicing right-hand only pitch shots will help ingrain the proper motion, too."
From: Top 100 Teacher Brian Manzella solves your common problems in uncommon ways - Instruction -
Yes, I now remember that comment about the push, but I haven't been able to execute. Perhaps because I have been in that pulling plane on the downswing. I'll try to fix it with the right hand grip.

I have been hitting the tour pitch and it hasn't conflicted with the SDP. I'll just continue down that route.


Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
I would think you could adjust the D plane and hit any kind of shot you want with any pattern. The tour pitch should be the shot to try and master around the greens.
Are your pulls straight pulls or do they curve? To help stop pulls you need to get your hips left then rotate the other issue could be you are backing your hips up....just a side note if I was you I would buy the never slice again video, don't let the name fool you, its not just for slicers there is lots of great info in that video.
Hey marlboro, please do not tell me what to post. There was no ill intent on my part.
You don't need to jump in with your Politically Correct, touchy feely, stuff.

I didn't answer the questions, because I don't know the answers. Therefore, I made a comment.
Last time I checked, that's allowed, Dude! God I hate that stupid word.

Whatever, DUDE. Settle down, no need to get your knickers in a bunch.
Maybe this feel will help:

I like to feel that the middle of the sole of the wedge is bouncing off the turf at impact. I have to get active (down) with the right hand and wrist to achieve this.

Done right amazing spin is generated even on chips.

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