Regripping in Swing... and a Pivot Question

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I was watching a video on youtube this weekend where Canadian instructor Shawn Clement talked about grip efficacy and the need to maintain constant sense of the hands and their position on the grip throughout the swing. I've never given this much thought. I suppose I just set my hands on the club in what I believe is a good grip and swung.

The drill he prescribes is the back and forth drill focusing on the hands maintaining their placement on the club EXACTLY as they were placed at address. I started fooling around with this and noticed ... :eek:... the club moved a lot in my hands! In order to fix the problem, I didn't have to really make any grip changes, just keep an awareness that the club should not twist or move in my hands during the swing.

Is this a common problem, unwittingly regripping during the swing? If so, I can imagine it would lead to a host of inconsistencies.

Is there any other ways to practice the security of the grip throughout the swing? I'm finding it's not so much loosing pressure in any one spot, just an overall loss of grip control and regrip that takes place (seems to be most prevalent in the transition).

Second question: The pivot drill where you take a shaft and lay it inside your right foot, then try to turn on the backswing to move your right shoulder more towards the right foot. Is this good to practice for building / reinforcing a correct pivot? I notice all the talk lately about the angle of the back (the triangle) and hope this is the correct way to practice that position. Feels very very stable when I do it correctly, not to mention powerful.

Oh one more thing... does anyone know a good way to install ribs in grip AFTER the grips are on your clubs? I want to add reminders to my grips... but just had the clubs regripped. Can I slide a thin wire in there? Will it stay put? Is that USGA legal?


As far as grip rib go I don't think so. Most of the grips today are molded rubber so the rib is in the mold.
I've been very dissatisfied with the "ribbed" grips I've found in shops. Most are not enough of a rib. The grip just ends up feeling out of round instead of seating in your hand correctly.

My dad's clubs have grips on them that are oval in shape. Unfortunately, they are no longer made or legal by USGA rules. Were very popular for some time apparently. They give such a wonderful sense of feel and clubface control. Same rubber as the green and black victory grips, but oval in shape. Kind of like having a rib on top and bottom. Really wish someone still made those and they were legal (what's the big deal about that anyways?).


You can get a real substantial rib if you find someone that can still put on actual leather wrap grips. Sometimes hard to find, but if you find a shop that can do it, they can put a serious rib under the grip as they wrap it.
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