Reinvent my swing - 2 ques on ball & arm pos

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Hey guys,

Would someone please help me work out what to work on?

Background: 2 years weekend golfer, haven't attempted to get a handicap yet. Refuse to work on short game until I can get consistent with long game. I know the reasons why that is stupid, but the reward for me is moving to short game so it keeps me motivated ;) I want to step my game up now, putting in a lot more time.

I've previously worked on traditional swing until I gave up because, lol, I was rubbish. Couldn't figure out how to stop coming over the top. Then I moved to S&T cuz I liked how easy it sounded, I put a lot of effort into it but lack of specifics frustrated me so I moved on (cured my OTT though, so I'm grateful). I bumped into Jeff Mann's website & he inspired me to TGM and from there I found Brian's Youtube clips. Finally, someone who knows how to explain things :D

I've now bought Flipper, NSA, NHA, Soft Draw.

My problem is that don't want to work on Soft Draw until I can hit it straight, so I want to work on a pattern somewhere between NSA & NHA. I tend to push-slice, I think because I get too aggressive with my hip spin & I compensate by standing up before impact. I have a good backswing (had lessons before, instructor gave me 10/10 for backswing, 3/10 for downswing, lol).

Right, onto the questions already!!

1. Preferred left arm position at P4? Along shoulder plane or go for higher hands like Adam in NSA? Shoulder plane is more natural for me, but I can do either.

2. Ball position. Grrrrr, I have so many theories that I'm lost here. Brian comments in NSA just left of centre for mid-iron, but doesn't expand. My current is mid pos for short irons, 1 ball further left for mid irons, 1 ball further left for long irons & then off left heel for driver. I know pattern-dependant, but assume I'm going for orthodox mid matrix.

Info on the above are all I need to keep me going, lol, Brian you did a brilliant job if I only have 2 questions up to now :p

Thanks a million for any replies.

1. You should try to reach the turned shoulder plane at the top. Unless you have a very steep shoulder turn, your left arm will be higher than the "shoulder plane."

2. For a draw pattern, use just left of middle for 5 through wedges, just left of that for longer clubs, and just inside the left heel for the driver (Brian talks about this in the Soft Draw Pattern sticky thread). Ball position for a fade would be a little more left than those.

I'd say start with NSA, but if you can post a video of your swing, one of the instructors will be able to give you more specific advice.
Master NSA 2.0 first. I would suggest reading "The Impact Zone" by Bobby Clampett. And learn to love the short game. It will save your life. Ask Seve (circa 1980-89).
Really appreciate the replies lookingtolearn & Putterman :) I'm trying to run before I've learnt how to walk, I'll take your advice & work on NSA.

I'll also have a read at Brian's reply on the NSA thread, I tried searching but didn't think to look in the obvious place.

Thanks again,

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