Relation between extension and loading

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Been trying to get a better backswing extension lately. From what it seems, a full extension more or less requires snap loading. Is that just me, am I wrong or missing something?

Unfortunately is seems snap loading is the most difficult to master.

Or is it that I can forget about that extension & get more distance (which is what I am looking for) in other ways. (I am pretty long off the tee, but like so see more 300++ drives than I do. Maybe I should look for greater hip speed instead?)


mellanslag: How do you define extension ? If it is left arm radius the loading can be done in many ways . Snap loading is the most sophisticated way of loading and lends it self to greater float loading potential "downcocking " . All this is in your video.
Left arm radius. Its just that I find it difficult to incorporate a full backswing extension with random loading. Might be just me. I came to think of that I have seen Ernie Els extending fully and still use random loading. I guess better balance and maybe strength helps.

What somewhat inspired me was the Harmon+Olazabal session on I am sorry if mentioning Harmon on this forum is considered offensive :). I am not a BH follower, but I do like to compare what he does to what I believe most in.


You want the feeling of the left arm being straightened by the right arm extensor action in the back stroke. ragman has a link to a drill where you place a towel under your left arm pit and grab the other end with your right hand keeping it tight and make a back stroke. use your right arm to straighten your left arm.


quote:Originally posted by hue

You want the feeling of the left arm being straightened by the right arm extensor action in the back stroke. ragman has a link to a drill where you place a towel under your left arm pit and grab the other end with your right hand keeping it tight and make a back stroke. use your right arm to straighten your left arm.

Do you have a link to the link?


quote:Originally posted by bcoak

quote:Originally posted by hue

You want the feeling of the left arm being straightened by the right arm extensor action in the back stroke. ragman has a link to a drill where you place a towel under your left arm pit and grab the other end with your right hand keeping it tight and make a back stroke. use your right arm to straighten your left arm.

Do you have a link to the link?
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