My guess is you need to learn the full roll ON PLANE finish Brian teaches and fully understand horizontal hinging. I strongly suspect you are using a holding off action which is either angled hinging or maybe verticle hinging with the followthrough being ABOVE PLANE in a steering action.Never slice again and Do it Right and other DVDs Brian sells deals with your issues.quote:Originally posted by eric54
Am not new to golf just the forum. Been playing a couple of years and have a UK handicap of 13.
I have been told i am not releasing by a couple of scatch golfers.
quote:Originally posted by Toolish
Bird man, you are right, but a flip causes me to hit it high right...
Flip generally causes high from what I can gather.
I can't see how a lack of release can cause high right. Right, yes...but high, don't think so??
quote:Originally posted by diggerdog
You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,
You do the hokey pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.
2) left hand
3) right foot
4) left foot
5) head
6) butt
7) whole self