Revelation with Basic motion, Shanking Pitches

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Rencently I purchased COFF, and today I made a trip to the range today to test out some of the drills. Using a basic motion stroke my contact was so-so until i had a REVELATION. I started more actively using my left elbow(I am lefty) especially pushing and extending it toward impact and boom I finnally was consistently making crisp contact with a divot after the ball.

After gaining a good feel for that I moved to chip pitches and no matter what I did I could not

A) hold that solid finish position with the hands in front of the clubhead
B) it was shanks galore for many of the shots

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Your losing pressure on your left index finger (pressure point #3) and your lagging the hosel instead of the sweetspot.
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Do you mean right index finger at this point? I am left handed so I am trying to be sure. How can one gain a correct feel for this during the swing? I have heard about the PBS but have yet to have the money for it at this point, are there any other options?

Could this be occurring for another reason?

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
Quite a few people struggle with this when they start learning to use their hands correctly. Monitor the sweetspot and you should be ok. What is happening is you are not flipping the face closed anymore.

Believe it or are making real progress. Just don't get discouraged.
You might want to consider focusing more on the pivot (shoulder tilt/rotation) and allowing it to square-up that sweetspot.

For me, monitoring sweetspot lag pressure with the #3 PP aids me more with rhythm/tempo, I.E. transition and over-acceleration issues.

Just a thought...
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Yes, over acceleration. Sometimes you can do the drill with your lower thumb off the club to help monitor the sweetspot more too. For a lefty, that would mean with the left thumb off the club and having pressure on the left index finger throughout the whole downswing motion and after impact.
Yes, over acceleration. Sometimes you can do the drill with your lower thumb off the club to help monitor the sweetspot more too. For a lefty, that would mean with the left thumb off the club and having pressure on the left index finger throughout the whole downswing motion and after impact.

You can also lighten your initial/address grip pressure with the index finger or even lift it very slightly to better sense and monitor the gentle loading sensation with these shorter shots.
I apologize for asking so many questions on pp#3 but thus far it has been elusive to me in terms of being able to feel it. Should the feeling be constant through out the swing or is there in increase as impact is approached?
The latter, Blitz.

As you "tumble" (look that one up) you increase, I think.

Check out the "Hogan Coleman Estate Footage" on YouTube as well. There's an explanation by Ben Hogan at the end.

"There is no pressure down or around the shaft...just forward."

("through impact")

(not saying it "starts" exactly at this moment but...)


(the left is the "After Brian Gave Him A Lesson" BTW)


Can you imagine the pressure increasing upon contact with the ball? And then how about as the clubhead collides with the (astro!)turf?

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