Review of Tour Stop-Long Island, New York

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Hello to all:

I am a frequent reader and lurker on this site. This is my first post.

For anyone who has the opportunity to see Brian in person on one of these and doesn't take advantage...shame on you. Even though there were three of us, it was like having a two day private lesson with Brian and Mike Jacobs.

I am sort of addicted to golf instruction, always seeking improvement. When Brian says "Why don't we just do it right?", that is what the golf academy was all about. There was nothing really technical about the school, just a great learning experience for me. It was amazing to feel the proper downswing and pivot, and hope Brian didn't hurt himself putting me through the motions yesterday. And in case you were wondering, the man can scrape it around the course pretty good. And never bet him for money on the putting green.

I want everyone to also know that the best kept secret on Long Island is Mike Jacobs, whom I've worked with a few times. He is Brian's good friend and an extremely talented teacher. If you can't get to Brian, go find Mike. You will be pleased.

Thanks again to Brian and Mike for an awesome weekend.


Hello to all:
I am a frequent reader and lurker on this site. This is my first post.
For anyone who has the opportunity to see Brian in person on one of these and doesn't take advantage...shame on you. Even though there were three of us, it was like having a two day private lesson with Brian and Mike Jacobs.
I am sort of addicted to golf instruction, always seeking improvement. When Brian says "Why don't we just do it right?", that is what the golf academy was all about. There was nothing really technical about the school, just a great learning experience for me. It was amazing to feel the proper downswing and pivot, and hope Brian didn't hurt himself putting me through the motions yesterday. And in case you were wondering, the man can scrape it around the course pretty good. And never bet him for money on the putting green.
I want everyone to also know that the best kept secret on Long Island is Mike Jacobs, whom I've worked with a few times. He is Brian's good friend and an extremely talented teacher. If you can't get to Brian, go find Mike. You will be pleased.

Thanks again to Brian and Mike for an awesome weekend.

Glad to hear it went well.

Yes - NEVER bet against Manzella on the putting green.



Brian Manzella



Thank you for your kind words.

When Mike Jacobs and I do a school, we try to "Do It Right," and as much as possible, we do. We always know we can improve and we will, because we are in the "fixing" business, not the pattern sales business, or the recite from some book business.

As far as the putting goes, I have given numerous putting lesson over the years to David Toms, and other tour pros, always with great results.

I finally putted some way other than conventional long enough to become teachable (by myself) again.

I taught myself what I feel is a perfect putting stroke. The one I would teach to a brand new golfer. The exact one I teach to David.

Guess what?

Now I can do it. And pretty darn well, thank you.

Putting Video soon.

Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
It was a great school, really enjoyed working with our students and having Brian in town. Thanks for the kind words wdking and I look forward to our next Long Island Tour stop later in the summer
looks good

glad to read that the school weekend went well

surprised to hear it didnt fill at 4 people

i guess travel and economy......had a lot to do with it...

anyway.....glad it went well.......

wish i had the money to do it......

1250 (if im correct) is not a lot of money (TO THOSE THAT HAVE IT)

BUT TO OTHERS......MUCHO DINERO... brian gives away so much here...i know we all appreciate him....

any way.......

These guys are good

I was also fortunate enough to attend the school. It was a great experience. To be able to work on the driver though putter and play a round with these guys was fantastic. Brian was great as usual (my third time seeing him). Patient and willing to do whatever it takes to get the thought across. I have to agree with the comment on Mike Jacobs. I'd be seeing this guy once a week if he wasn't 100 miles away.

I found this forum less than 2 years ago. Since then its been a process of trying to learn and completely change just about everything I used to do. I feel like I'm on the right track as my ball striking is so much more consistent than it ever was before. Now, if I can just implement even some of what we worked on this weekend, I think I'll be even closer to my goals.

Thanks Brian and Mike.


Michael Jacobs

Super Moderator
glad to read that the school weekend went well

surprised to hear it didnt fill at 4 people

i guess travel and economy......had a lot to do with it...

anyway.....glad it went well.......

wish i had the money to do it......

1250 (if im correct) is not a lot of money (TO THOSE THAT HAVE IT)

BUT TO OTHERS......MUCHO DINERO... brian gives away so much here...i know we all appreciate him....

any way.......


Would of loved to of had you Hjack, our 4th person got a hand injury earlier in the week. I am working on a video highlight reel and some quick tips from the school. As soon as I finish them I will send them to Brian so he can pick and choose what he would like to post up. By the way, food was excellent on this tour stop!

hi mike

oh i knew it would be great, sorry the 4th hurt his hand

nice of you to put some items on video......

ok, im not looking for an argument, but i must can be very not being negative...just a personal feeling. Knowledge is a great thing, and i know you are an excellent instructor......but i need my own pattern....and that will take a private lesson (more then 1)....swinger, hitter..alignment...and on and on.....then i can learn from not downing vids or forums ..i enjoy them......but we all need something different.....had i not had 2 hip replacements and a 6 way by-pass in the last 2 years and still trying to pay it off in this economy....paying for a golf lesson......just cant be had......

someday i will....................not sure i want brian to teach me......anyone who spells GO GEAUX scares the heck out of me


oh as for food......i just lost 90 pounds ...if it looks good i cant have it

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