The past 3 months have been the best ball striking months of my 30 year golfing career learning about that ole-right arm. Although in an experimental role, I've been picking that club up with the right arm. I'll try a Trevino-like closed-to-open method, which i guess would be the twistaway method. I'll try a fanning type hogan action where I sling the dog out of it on the downswing to get the clubface square, I'll pretend to be Freddie, albeit a short, fat, balding Freddie, of picking the club up out in fornt of me, and dropping it down behind me. I'll do a Furyk-like loop, resulting in a shot that causes me to do that "hope nobody saw that" look around. I'll pick the club up while gripping down, aiming the butt (the club's, not mine) at the ball and trying to stab the inside of the ball with it. I want to thank Yoda, Brian and others here for what they have taught me. Brian, you said "like Johnny Unitus". You have caused me to realize my right arm action was that of Unitus taking the football back and throwing the ball to the ground trying to get the rear point of the football to hit the ground first.Unfortunately, I still know how to do that, hence, look, look, look). Can't wait to learn and explore left-arm only swinging. It's a journey, I tell you.