Thank you for the time and effort you put into this website. It is truly the single best resource for information on the golf swing that there is.
I "bumped" the thread about the right forearm takeaway, not to rehash what it is and what it isn't, but to get more clarification for myself about the "lifting" component of the arms in the backswing.
I have never concerned myself with this part of the backswing and due to that neglect, I have developed a severe inside takeaway and then a lift at the top of the backswing which gets me way across the line.
I have had great sucess in the past feeling like I was making a "Fred Couples" backswing with the lift of the arms while turning, but never kept with it because I didn't think it was orthodox enough.
NSA 2.0 and Flipper have me understanding the golf swing much more clearly than before, now I want to take it to the next level.