Right Hand above left on backswing

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I have always struggled with my backswing. Some days, I can feel the club moving back perfectly and I absolutely stripe the ball. Other days, it seems like my backswing is a total re-route full of compensations.

I was reviewing some of my old golf lesson videos and one of my swing flaws was rolling the wrists on the takeaway. Various instructors have mentioned it, but have never been able to give me any useful advice (any that I understood) on how to fix it.

The one thing that stood out in the videos is that my right hand is not on the top of the left hand at the 9 o'clock position during the backswing...probably because of the rolling motion. I've looked at several Tour Player swing sequences and the right hand is clearly above the left at 9 o'clock.

Any of you suffer through this before? Got a drill that might help fix this?
Yes, I feel your pain.
I think, because I have big hands and arms compared to my Torso, My limbs dominate on the way back sometimes and my pivot\body gets lazy and won't turn as good, and I get this right elbow under left arm look at 9 oclock which makes my swing flatoff plane.
A kinda modified Right forearm takeaway is the key for me. I have to feel like the whole unit of my right palm, arm and shoulder start my takewaway, and go up and 'out', right palm covering the ball on the way back. This also gives me a less flat shoulder turn which *I* need.
If you suffer from a sway you may find this move hard. It helps me to feel my head is still. If you use STT you may find such a move hard.
Keep that feel of the right palm looking at the ball as long as possible, and the Twistaway move could help you here.
Have you watched Brians Video short volume 1 .. he explais 'twistaway' can help players who over roll their wrists.
Twist the other way and your right arm will stay above your left.


As you take your takeaway keep your right arm above your left for what "feels" like forever. And as donkey says the right palm will face down. It will turn the plane later in your motion.
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