Right hip, right elbow

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I have noticed on my downswing that my right hip gets in the way of my right elbow and often my elbow gets left trailing my right hip. Any advice or suggestions?


Dr J, if you read FGI, there is a interesting discussion going on about a posters swing (thats very good), this very problem is being talked about, causes and affects.
Maybe not enough hip slide or second axis tilt to clear the right hip on the downswing. Or you are sliding your hips to the right on the backswing. Therefore the right hip is in a position to block your ight elbow. I used to do the backswing hip slide, and I corrected this by not reverse tilting on the backswing, using Brian's instructional article as a guide. In effect, my right hip is already 'pre-cleared' at the beginning of the downstroke.


"Clearing the right hip" on the downswing....what exactly does this mean? Does it mean keep the right hip back and "clear it" with the right elbow, or fire it and get it out of the way?

Redgoat...actually you started this mess ;). I was browsing your great site and ran across those exact pictures and realized I do this. Would be interested in how you are helping this young man not to "collide". Thanks.


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

Has anyone else actually "used" this collision to create a fulcrum from which to hit?

Not possible for a good swing - This is just faulty....
For medium range chip shots, one can swing the arms back, and without ANY hip movement, drop the right elbow onto the top of the right hip which triggers the right arm punch, producing a very effective shot. For longer shots, one can use the "collision" as a timing device to initiate a lateral hip shift before the "hit". This is a "hand controlled pivot" pure hitting procedure. There is no reason why this contact between hip and elbow can't be used, providing the right hip doesn't move outward forcing the elbow outward and the clubhead off-plane.
Great, except that most of the time, this collision DOES trap the trailing elbow behind you, which results in a a swing that's too much from the inside, an early release of levers, and a multitude of bad shots. The problem usually starts at address, wherein your balance is too much into your heels. Your body always wants to regain balance, so at impact, it moves to the toes and you instinctively raise up. This gets the hip moving towards the ball, which traps the arms. Thinking about more lateral hip slide will compound the problem.

Set up more towards the balls of the feet, let your arms hang so the butt of the club is measured at about your toe line. On the downswing, turn the hips out of the way earlier, making sure that your tush stays on the "tush line".

Brian Manzella


All this useually means is that the golfer is swinging TOO FAR inside-out.

99.9% of the time that's it.

Swing more down and more left.

I read the thread on FGI....silly...
Guys - I'm talking about a "hitting" procedure as opposed to a "swinging" procedure. The question relates to an alternative to a "pre-set right hip turn" which is the usual TGM recommendation for a pure hitting technique. I just asked if anyone else did this.
quote:Originally posted by Dr_J

"Clearing the right hip" on the downswing....what exactly does this mean? Does it mean keep the right hip back and "clear it" with the right elbow, or fire it and get it out of the way?

For me, when I load the lag onto pp3, I drive the loaded lag through the inside corner of the ball. As this is happening, my hips are sliding and turning ang getting out of the way so my right elbow has an unobstructed path. that is my understanding of clearing the hips on the downswing using hands controlled pivot.

I await Biran's pics in his new intructional article, and await the delivery of his beta test videos. Those should provide more pieces to the very incomplete puzzle.

I too have tried it, and CAN successfully use it in my hitting procedure, but don't think it's NECESSARY. Therefore, I don't use the preturned hip. And, since I don't, AND I have a very erect stance, I feel the right elbow contact the top right hip with my pure hitting procedure. In other words, I don't think the pre-turned right hip is necessary. Others feel it will "get in the way" of the right elbow, but this "collision", which is perhaps too strong a word, serves as a timing trigger for me.
Dr J,

Southpaw described the problem quite nicely. In most cases the set-up is the culprit. Once the weight is out of the heels at address the player is able to maintain the correct posture creating room for the trail elbow.

Swinging less from the inside, as Brian stated, only serves to move the right elbow out and around the hip. It doesn't "fix" the problem created at address. I have seen just as many players go around the hip and get steep as I have collide into it causing a flip.

Check out this address correction as an example of how to fix it.

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