Right/Left Question for the experts

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I've had some pretty good success using the idea Brian has in video #6 of throwing a ball sidearm at a ball about a yard past me down the target or straight line plane (hitting). It brings a lot of trigger delay and a good descending blow. I don't believe I get a full swivel finish though. I'm sure I could replicate the results with a left sided frisbee throw as well and gain the finish (swinging?).

What about trying to do both actions at once? Has anyone experimented with this? Is this the scorned "switter" move?
Why confuse your brain with "switching sides" during your action?..
If you are having good success with a "right-sided thought" why not just expand on that right-side movement to finish the swing?

For example, you could figure where you want you right hand/arm to be at say 1-o-clock (from face-on view) on your follow through...
Perhaps try catching the "ball you threw"" at 1-o-clock after it has "bounced" back off the ground....or perhaps something similar that suits your visualization tendencies...


I don't know. I guess I've been told the left side needs to control the swing enough that I maybe mistakenly have come to think it's an imperative.
From the top to impact takes about 1/3 of a second..there is really no time to think (maybe one thought just before starting down is all you have time for)..
To the finish takes roughly another 2/3 of a second..
Therefore, you can use your practice swings to pre-program the actual swing...
Perhaps a couple of practice swings with your frisbee thought and then swing using your "throw the ball" thought you are having success with...
Afte a while the frisbee action will happen automatically in addition to everything you are conciously thinking about...and eventually you don't really want to be thinking about anything, except perhaps a "perfect finish position"....
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