quote:Originally posted by mb6606
When I drive the right shoulder down, I create axis tilt. I tend to hit thin shots.
Question: How do I drive the club head down through the ball with axis tilt??
Should I move the ball back in my stance???
Thinning was a problem I encountered at first and still is my "bad shot." The right arm must always be driving to the aiming point, which is roughly near the lead thigh, with a flat left wrist. This flat wrist and straight left arm forms raises the left shoulder into a straight line like hitting a wall. Your hands, still left flat and right bent, should be near the left thigh, with the pivot turning into the ball. Club always moves in a straight line along the body line. The aiming point is always lower then the plane line so it should feel as if your hands are driving down. Like Doyle and Brian, I like low hands into impact. Ben said, "All the force should go to China." Don't be afraid to go low with the arms and hands as long as the spine angle is constant.