How can I ensure my right hand doesnt dominate at the transition?
I can see on video I still fight my right hand being the dominant hand trying to pull the club down and all that does is pull my right shoulder out. When I manage to do this with my left hand all is good as my left arm stays connected and drops inside as I pivot
My pro has suggseted I try and really lighten my right hand grip pressure and increase left hand pressure to make the left hand/arm feel in control throughout - im struggling with this although Im continuing to work at it .. anyone else got any suggestions for drills, feelings etc?
I can see on video I still fight my right hand being the dominant hand trying to pull the club down and all that does is pull my right shoulder out. When I manage to do this with my left hand all is good as my left arm stays connected and drops inside as I pivot
My pro has suggseted I try and really lighten my right hand grip pressure and increase left hand pressure to make the left hand/arm feel in control throughout - im struggling with this although Im continuing to work at it .. anyone else got any suggestions for drills, feelings etc?