Right Side / Left Side... We all got BOTH sides

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What's this big debate going on lately in the golf world about right side control versus left side control?

We both have both sides. I have seen players that are awesome using control from either side. As such, I conclude it doesn't really matter. Heck, I even read about a one armed golfer (right arm still intact) that plays to a 3 handicap. Drives 280 on average. Soon thereafter, I read about a left arm only golfer who played similarly well. Heck, there have been major champions swining left hand controlled, and right hand controlled, and some who tell you it really doesnt matter because the hands have to work together.

All that matters is consistent impact alignments. I know personally, I have been trying to ingrain a left hand controlled swing and it isn't working. My left hand is either too weak, or too stupid. Back to the right hand control I started with, and I'm starting to nail the ball again. The left arm to me is just a lever. That's it. The result...more distance, better accuracy, and more shot shapes (intentional :D). Woohoo!

So what's the big deal? Is it just that so much literature is written on left sided control that right sided control got a bad wrap? Heck, look at Seve Ballesteros... awesome swing, and AWESOME short game. If having a right hand swing means having his short game touch and putting... I'LL TAKE IT!

Different strokes for different folks.
Agree totally. I am a lefty but play right hand golf. Mostly I feel that my left hand is too strong and has always been fighting a hook with the irons and a slice with the driver before I came on to this site and learned more about the mechanics of the swing.

But I am still playing at about a 20 hcp so I am not sure if my swing is left or right controlled and I do not particularly care too. All I care is to train my coconut and body to allow the pivot to direct the hands and the club face back to the ball for a consistent impact without too much wrist involvement.

I am pretty interested on what others on the forum has to say about this though.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I am a natural lefty that plays golf righty. Reason being is i was taught to bat righty in baseball from t-ball instead of lefty (until much later in my baseball career) so trying to play golf lefty feels too un-natural.

I feel more like a puller of the golf club and don't consciously use my right arm in the swing at all. However i have experimented with using my right arm consciously and find no change in swing speed when i do so that tells me that i am using both pulling/pushing power even if i don't feel like i am.

Do what works for you.
I think there's quite a few misconceptions about the subject, even by myself from time to time. I'm what's called a 'hitter.' I used to use a 'swinging' pattern but could not operate it with any consistency. I get a lot of people asking me about hitting and usually they tell me that they want to get into hitting because they don't really want to worry about having a quality pivot. I personally think that is hogwash. 'Hit' or 'Swing' or even if you really don't believe in those theories, you had better have a quality pivot action to hit the ball well on a consistent basis. My ballstriking has improved tremendously going to a 'hitting' pattern, but so has my pivot and if I didn't have an improved pivot, I believe I'd still be struggling with my ballstriking.



How do you go about using your right side to be a hitter. My left side is so weak and my right side is strong So how do I go about to learn using my right side to play golf??

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
How do you go about using your right side to be a hitter. My left side is so weak and my right side is strong So how do I go about to learn using my right side to play golf??

From the top feel like your right shoulder moves downplane and you use your right tricep to straighten your right arm to lenghten the front side of the triangle (left arm) and thrust a bent right wrist thru impact.
I too feel mostly right arm hitting the ball, much like a "stone skipping" throw. But, if I don't use the left to do most of the squaring of the club face......fore right.
I am a natural lefty that plays golf righty. Reason being is i was taught to bat righty in baseball from t-ball instead of lefty (until much later in my baseball career) so trying to play golf lefty feels too un-natural.

I feel more like a puller of the golf club and don't consciously use my right arm in the swing at all. However i have experimented with using my right arm consciously and find no change in swing speed when i do so that tells me that i am using both pulling/pushing power even if i don't feel like i am.

Do what works for you.

I am really confused about this issue. Last Friday, I mashed a drive off the first hole, but felt something funny in my right (trailing) wrist. After hitting a crisp five iron on the par-3 second, my wrist revolted after taking a divot. For the rest of the nine, despite serious wrist pain, I drove the ball longer, and more accurately than I have all year. The iron game was a joke, as all I could do was hit punch shots, and pitch and runs.

I cannot figure out what I was doing so much more efficiently with a swing that featured a very tentative release.

Brian Manzella

Hitting is Total and Complete BS!!!

I'm what's called a 'hitter.'

No such thing.

What you are is apparently a guy would FEELS LIKE you are rotating the club less on the backswing, and getting "behind it" earlier on the downswing, and you keep your shoulders more square than orthodox.


A whole lot of "seems as if."

I used to use a 'swinging' pattern but could not operate it with any consistency.

You were over rotating, and didn't have anyone who knew how to fix it.

I get a lot of people asking me about hitting and usually they tell me that they want to get into hitting because they don't really want to worry about having a quality pivot.

No, they think hitting exists, and is a easy way to play.

Poor suckers.

TOTAL JUNK if done "as advertised."

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