Right Wrist At Address

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Should the right wrist be bent at address so impact position is replicated? Reason i ask is my right wrist is normally flat at adress and last 2 rounds i have bent it and my ballstriking has improved. Just want to make sure i am on the right track.


eric54 said:
Should the right wrist be bent at address so impact position is replicated? Reason i ask is my right wrist is normally flat at adress and last 2 rounds i have bent it and my ballstriking has improved. Just want to make sure i am on the right track.


Either bent right or flat right wrist are ok. Homer Kelley called them "standard address" ( flat right wrist ) and "Impact address" ( impact degree of right wrist bend)

They are associated with certain stroke pattern tendancies but do not commit you to manadatory golf stroke patterns.


Bent right wrist = more a pure Hitters address position - but some degree of bend is seen in most Ryder cup players and they almost all swing rather than hit.

Flat right wrist is more the old school "mid body hands" position which is more a "swingers" component and nicely leads into a lagging clubhead takeaway.

Maybe your better ball striking was due to establishing a right forearm flying wedge whilst at address and maintaining your right forearm - clubshaft alignments.

If it worked for you then no need to change - BUT remember that a good ball striking round does not equate to better mechanics long term - confirm on video to see what really changed rather than what you thought you changed ... feel and real!

Good luck!
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