That is exactly what I thought watching Accenture this week.
Some method teacher will grab him and convince Ishikawa that he needs to look more "methody" and quit using his dad (18 handicapper) as his "coach? "Hey, I have a notebook filled with photos of the great players and I can show you how they all did X." I can hear it now.
So the US had 3 or 4 of the final 16 in the Match Play this weekend.
McIlroy self-taught/dad as coach (and ain't no joke), and Ishikawa (ain't no joke at all, either), etc. Maybe the real international advantage is the lack of US method-teaching? (although i have to admit I am baffled by the ability of Paul Casey, who could be a No. 1 player in the world, to avoid being ruined by Mr. Swing Tracker)
Please Ryo and Rory, just keep playing golf and avoid the method guys!