Rotated Shoulder turn vs Flat shoulder turn

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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
2 questions:

Can someone show me pictures of both on tour players?

If my shoulders are at a 90* angle to my spine is that "without a doubt" a rotated shoulder turn?


After those are answered i'll probably have more on this subject.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Went through LOTS of swing sequences and almost every sequence i look at i see rotated shoulder turns. Closest i've seen to flat is David Toms.

Maybe i'm just not identifying a flat backstroke shoulder turn correctly but i don't think so. Those that know the book well please help

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Went through LOTS of swing sequences and almost every sequence i look at i see rotated shoulder turns. Closest i've seen to flat is David Toms.

Maybe i'm just not identifying a flat backstroke shoulder turn correctly but i don't think so. Those that know the book well please help


Can someone please answer my question. As common as some people like to make the flat backstroke shoulder turn, i just don't see it being used.

please find a picture of a professional golfer who is successful that doesn't have the shoulders 90* to the spine, because i can't.
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