Would you call this a Shoulder Turn Takeaway? Does Luke use Standard Hip Action or is this Delayed Hip Action? Am I right assuming that this is Horizontal Hinge Action?
Any chance of posting the links to the full original videos when you put them up as well i.e. the full .avi files or something similar you can view in swing analysis s/w
Nice, I like the homemade videos a lot better than tv, it's like really being there. Donald's swing looks really solid. I assume that ball went straight, did it? And is he aiming a little too far right?
I asked Ben Doyle that question once and he said that it was a common procedure when trying to hit the ball lower. I think that it makes you get your hands more ahead at impact.
Would you call this a Shoulder Turn Takeaway? Does Luke use Standard Hip Action or is this Delayed Hip Action? Am I right assuming that this is Horizontal Hinge Action?
What THE GOLFING MACHINE would call it is a "Right Forearm Takeaway." But, like the BAM! video presents, a group of TGMers have sold many a version of RFT that is very different than what Luke is doing.
So to answer your question...
I'd call it a NORMAL swing, something that was almost extinct looking at the "lessons" at the Masters.
I will post the HQ version tomorrow. I am still on the road, and connevtion is slow.
The more the right foot comes up the more POTENTIAL there is to kind of move ahead of the ball. This is a death move for hackers who are trying to learn axis tilt and getting their right shoulder down to the ball.
Even i have a really stubborn student I'll make them his 3/4 wedge shots without letting their right foot come off the ground and they have to make it go straight or at most a 2 yard draw.