SD and Alignment Keys

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Really enjoy the Soft Draw video! I think this is my basic action, but it was good to hear "why" it works. Have always been a fan of Ernest Jones (glad others see the wisdom in his overall message). I think I'll be even better allowing myself to cross the line a bit more at the top!

My problem is aligning "too far" right (left eye dominant). I know the aiming "one yard right" idea is to get people not to aim left. What would be some Manzella keys for how to aim/align to the target for all shots? I've always tried to set the clubface first and then set my body to that based on the type of shot (usually about parallel for a straight shot).

For a straight ball, if I aim my feet at the target and aim my clubface parallel, isn't my clubface always "right" of the target, or is it really just pointed in the same direction (i.e., difference of a couple of feet)?

Thoughts on the use of an intermediate target (leaf, divot, etc.)? For path alignment or actual clubface? Can't seem to shake watching Nicklaus set up to a shot. Worked pretty good for him. Thanks.
Great question! I've wondered the same. I really like SD but have always aimed the club first and then everything else afterwards. In the summer I found myself aiming too far right which resulting in some nasty hooks. Would love to know how to use SD with a "pick intermediate target, then align clubface, then align the rest" setup.

Thoughts anyone/Brian?
I do clubface first then body. I personally don't pay all that much attention to being super (duper) specific about how much open or closed I am. So long as I am one or the other- to a feel-based, "rough" degree.

Never have tried for "square" alignment. Brian has had things to say about that as well.

Why would you want to shake your images of Nicklaus setting up?
Bad word choice. Thanks for keeping me straight.

Didn't mean "shake" in a negative sense, just that it's basically the only way I've ever "tried" to do it since I started playing in the mid 70's. (Can't you just see it... the look, the waggle, the check of the intermediate target, the forward press, the swing...oh, and wins another major.)

Agree it's a very positive image, just not sure I was doing it as well (or as correctly) as he was, and wondering if a fresh approach to the alignment question might be a good thing. Also, there were some other things I tried to imitate in Jack's swing that probably weren't the best ideas (at least the way I understood them, at the time).

Even though I've always been a clubface-first setter upper, I almost think body first might be easier. But my main question is, if I set up with my body at the target and then set the clubface parallel, is the face just a couple feet to the right or is it way to the right?

Said another way, if I aim my square stance line two feet left, will a parallel face be aimed dead at the target? (Two feet just being the approximate distance from my stance line to the ball/target line.) Thanks.

Brian Manzella



Wherever it is you are aiming the club.

Then aim you body, taking into account the plane line you will be trying to "draw."
I think you guys are making this too complicated.

For the most part, it doesn't really matter where you aim the clubface. What matters is how it's "in your hand." Get that right first.

Then aim the clubface where it feels comfortable (start at the same place you are going to aim your feet and adjust if needed).

Then aim your feet where you will be doing your "points."

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I think you guys are making this too complicated.

For the most part, it doesn't really matter where you aim the clubface. What matters is how it's "in your hand." Get that right first.

Then aim the clubface where it feels comfortable (start at the same place you are going to aim your feet and adjust if needed).

Then aim your feet where you will be doing your "points."

Completely disagree, most people I have worked with need to be TAUGHT how to aim the clubface they are so bad at it. You not believe how many problems simply vanish with a better understanding of where u r aiming.
Well, yes you would need to teach people what square is if they don't know. All I'm saying is that manipulating it a little left or right at address (I believe the OP was talking about a matter of feet), for the most part, isn't going to affect much.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Well, yes you would need to teach people what square is if they don't know. All I'm saying is that manipulating it a little left or right at address (I believe the OP was talking about a matter of feet), for the most part, isn't going to affect much.

It all depends on where you THINK you are aimed and where you are ACTUALLY aimed. Also, i'm not picking on you but people in general.

I had one student who had this ridiculous problem of always far too left of target but thinking he was aiming at the target. This caused him subconsciously to swing more right because his brain new that he swung where he was really aimed he'd pull it and not go towards his target.

When i lined him up right he stopped swinging right so much automatically. This is just one example.
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