sequence and distance

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I seldom post but often lurk. I've read some articles from another forum and thought I'd post a link to an individual that works on speed training with various athletes ranging from baseball players to golfers and some sprinters for good measure. I think the concepts of these articles jives with what some of the posters, including Brian, have to say about increasing club speed. ( as a disclaimer, I'm not at all associated with any golf organization or pro ) Take a look below.

Where Bubba Gets His Power From :: Oceanic Time Warner Cable's
Very interesting. This sounds like some parallels to Brians "pull back run up and jump" posting the other day. This buckling of the knees certainly aids in power production as I have used this idea myself and with some of my students. I work with a 12 year old who weighs 85 pounds and can hit the ball 230. He definitely exibits this type of drop and posting in the downswing.
kmiyahira — Saturday, June 6, 2009
Many instructors believe it is not so good to have all this up and down motion. But where did the idea come from that we're supposed to be so still? The idea of the head being still was standard instruction from 40 years ago. We know it isn't right to stay so still. The down motion of Tiger's head and body weight might be indicators that he can feel which let's the body know when the next move is supposed to start in addition to setting off SSC's.

Interesting post from him regarding a question someone left for him in the comments box...
To be honest, I think that any up/down movement, for most amateurs, should be avoided, and only taught to those who can hit enough balls to perfect the movement (Infrequent Players Need Not Apply!)...

Golf is a game of measurements, when we set up, we are measuring ourselves as precisely as we can from the ball in order to produce the perfect strike, right on the sweet spot....

If we then start to move our swing center up and down (which is the same as the head moving up and down), then most of us are heading for trouble, because we are destorying oour basic measurements....

It is not an essential part of power-hitting to jump up and down during the swing...the best example I know is (was) Mike Austin.... Far more important is to keep a stable swing center in order that we strike the ball as close to the sweet spot as possible....If most people did that they would add 20-30 yards to their drives anyway...

OK. It is alright to pressurise or simulate jumping using leg action, but that swing center must remain stable....:)
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