Sergio, Camillo, Boo and others

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They had Camillo V on Swingvision over the weekend and talked about his downcock in his swing contributing to his length. Obviously, Sergio is the king of this and a recent YouTube showed Boo doing a pretty good job too.
I was wondering what you need to do to increase the lag/downcock in the downswing or what causes the angle to increase?
Not an authority but personally I try to maintain the angle of the right wrist being bent back from top of backswing down to just before impact. The longer one maintains this angle, the more lag.
One drill I do is pointing the butt end of the club more down the line on the downswing, this ingrains the downcock, hands leading the pre-impact position and lag. At first you may leave the face open but a few trys should have you timing this right.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You need:

1) loose wrists
2) Snap release with a straight line path of the hands
3) Axis tilt
4) A very on plane right shoulder
5) A good pivot

The down cocking and the mucho delay these guys get is a RESULT of the above and has nothing to do with "trying to hold it." If you're trying to hold it, you're gonna be inconsistent. Remember, it's a result.

I haven't had time to do my video on accumulator delay but when i do it will clear up a lot of misconceptions.
good list there.

but add one more thing (really obvious):

accumulator #2 (left wrist cock) must not be fully loaded at the top.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Jim K: 5) A good pivot

Please define the attributes of a good pivot.

It's really too long of a post. Pivot has been explained on this site to death. When i mean a "good pivot" i'm talking about a pivot that is "orthodox" and doesn't have any weak points like:

big lateral slides
too much or too little axis tilt
slowing down or trying to make it too fast

Things like that; if you can't make a proper pivot you'll never have a whole lot of delay.


good list there.

but add one more thing (really obvious):

accumulator #2 (left wrist cock) must not be fully loaded at the top.

What do you mean by that Tong? In the SwingVision of Camilo (looking for it on YouTube but not up there) he was short of parallel and does not have a 90* angle between left arm/wrist and clubshaft but increases this on way down. Is he fully loaded?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
bcoak...what he means is that it is much easier to "downcock" if you haven't totally cocked your wrists on the backswing.

So as an example, lets say that your personal physical limitation in a cocked left wrist is roughly 80*. At the end of your backswing you only want 70*, so that way when you transition you will go the extra 10* and the force of your change of direction will probably add more.
Years ago an old guy gave me a swing thought that eliminates thinking about the arm/wrist components involved in the lagging club..
He said you should feel like the clubshaft is stroking your neck on the downswing...
Sems to make everything act accordingly....

But Jim is spot on re loose wrists. Trying to hold the lag will actually have the opposite effect (slow the club down)...
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