Setup for Manzella Twistaway

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Ok, quick question, when utilizing the Manzella twistaway, how do you ensure proper setup and clubface at address. Ie: Since you are closing the face slightly, do you setup open, so that when you twistaway it would be back to square at impact?

Also when doing the twistaway should it be later in the backswing or immediately. It appears, I sometimes get a bit flat if I twistaway to quickly.



Brian has this posted in several articles and threads. Do a search for grip and another search for Never Slice Again

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Ok, quick question, when utilizing the Manzella twistaway, how do you ensure proper setup and clubface at address. Ie: Since you are closing the face slightly, do you setup open, so that when you twistaway it would be back to square at impact?

Also when doing the twistaway should it be later in the backswing or immediately. It appears, I sometimes get a bit flat if I twistaway to quickly.


The secret to the twistaway is the very very neutral grip. If you use the grip, exactly as brian describes you can twist it A LOT (almost arch) and the leading edge of the club is still pretty close to matching the left forearm angle.

As for setup....more foward hands, little closed stance, and you can start twisting immediately.

Brian Manzella

Good Questions TBall.

Ok, quick question, when utilizing the Manzella twistaway, how do you ensure proper setup and clubface at address. Ie: Since you are closing the face slightly, do you setup open, so that when you twistaway it would be back to square at impact?

You are not closing the clubface in the "twistaway," you are simply opening less.

It opens less going back, and remains less open starting down, and closes through impact and util the "wedding ring up" finish swivel.

Also when doing the twistaway should it be later in the backswing or immediately. It appears, I sometimes get a bit flat if I twistaway to quickly.

Start behind it...STAY behind it....MASH IT!!!

As far as a "twistaway" set-up:

Make damn sure your hips are square, even if your STANCE HAS TO BE CLOSED. Head BEHIND the ball.

Brian Manzella


Here it is:

Got it, makes more sense now. In looking at the mirror, I was actually pushing my hands away from the body during the take which was moving the clubhead behind me and I was getting flat. I then was dropping too far inside with a shut face.

After working on it a bit, I see you can twistaway all you want on the backswing as long as you keep the hands low and club on plane and and you're back to square at impact.
I've found it a hard move to not hook it with............if you can tho (not hook it) for sure are doin a lot of real good things. Good training.
That's exactly what I've been struggling with, and why I was playing with opening up the face more at setup.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I've found it a hard move to not hook it with............if you can tho (not hook it) for sure are doin a lot of real good things. Good training.

It's because you swing too far to the right. Of the few swings i've seen that you posted you are bending that plane line to the right.

If you are on plane, and doing everything right the ball can even fade ;)

I have been getting some good results lately with getting my backswing more upright. (it's always been very underplane)

The downswing is news to me.....I'll give it a shot tho Jim.

I think I'm gonna look at some plane lasers too...

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Jim, good point. I discovered yesterday on film I had the same problem, way too far right. Started working on swinging more left and presto, ball flight was straightening out.

I've been told I'm a hitter and that a hitter should hit cross-line and go to right field covering the arc of approach. I must have been overdoing it.
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