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OK folks, I embarrassed to admit this, but today at lunch went to the practice green and started shanking chip shots. Even some of the "better" shots were struck near the hosel...what is going on??????????
set-up, and un-hook your right fore-finger, so its kinda pointing at the ground. now hit your chips with your hand like this

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
OK folks, I embarrassed to admit this, but today at lunch went to the practice green and started shanking chip shots. Even some of the "better" shots were struck near the hosel...what is going on??????????

Please do a search, this has been discussed at length and brian has even done a few free video responses of why it happens and how to prevent it. After watching that video, you should probably never shank it again.

Please do a search, this has been discussed at length and brian has even done a few free video responses of why it happens and how to prevent it. After watching that video, you should probably never shank it again.


theres been thread about it before, but i just cant watch this vid, it wont let me
FWIW: I was having chip shanking issues myself and ultimately I realized that I was setting up with open feet, hips and shoulders and swinging down the target line thus having my hands and arms separate from my body on the downswing towards the ball. When I squared up my stance or made sure that if I did set up open and let my downswing follow my body line, the shanks stopped.
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