Shaquille and the right shoulder

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I was watching a video re-cap of a lesson I had with Brian back in 2007 and one thing I had somewhat forgotten about was keeping my right shoulder "back". Brian said to think of Shaquille O'Neal across from me using his arm to hold my right shoulder "back". I've forgotten the point/purpose of this and exactly when I no longer have to keep the right shoulder "back" has to come around at some point, right?


Brian Manzella

I was watching a video re-cap of a lesson I had with Brian back in 2007 and one thing I had somewhat forgotten about was keeping my right shoulder "back". Brian said to think of Shaquille O'Neal across from me using his arm to hold my right shoulder "back". I've forgotten the point/purpose of this and exactly when I no longer have to keep the right shoulder "back" has to come around at some point, right?


Shaq is the guy who SQUARES the shoulders for the multitude of gofers that—by facing a ball that is leftward in their stance—have open shoulders at address.

Shaq then checks out, doing nothing during the swing, except maybe, rapping.
lol! I was hoping that if I put "Shaquille" in the subject line that it would catch your eye. Thanks for the reply and the clarification :)
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