Sharing My Pivot Magic Moment

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I've been fighting the flip for probably my whole golfing life. It's almost impossible to play this game day in and dayout with this move! It can affect your short shots (chipping and pitching) and really affect your tempo as the speed is occurring in the wrong part of the swing! Anyway, I know the regular posters on Brian's site already know this, but I would like to share my thoughts and success to possibly help others out.

As many of you know, that Confessions of a Former Flipper might be the best golf instructional video OF ALL TIME. Its an area "flipping" that get absolutely NO attention from traditional golf instuction and Brian does a great job of sharing what goes on that caues the flip, how to stop it with many great drills.

The most important note that I got from Flipper was to hit the ball or your aiming point with your pivot. Although I totally understand the logic and physics of this, IF YOUR PIVOT ACTION IS INCORRECT, it just isn't going to work right and you still will flip....(at least for me).

I've have been using my video camera and V1 to work on my swing plane, but I have never really used it to work on my pivot until now. I couldn't figure out why my impact position looked nothing like the Pros or low handicappers in regards to my lower body. My hands looked good, but my legs and knees were much to close together and completely turned to the target. Also, the sitdown "position" was non-existant.

It's much easier to show than to tell, but my right hip and right knee would fire and seemed to lock out my hip turn. When my arm swing reached the ball, my hip turn minimal at best was done withits motion, and my wrists could not fight off the flip. If I ever did fight off the flip, the ball would block off to the right! I wish I lived very close to Brian, because I have no doubt that he would have fixed this first with me (the pivot) and almost everything else would fall in place, but the video did help me with feed back.

Here's what I did. Traditional grip (Brian's grip), shoulder turn take-away, turn shoulder plane at top, flat left wrist.....start down with a small bump or slide, the I CONCENTRATED ON KEEPING THE RIGHT KNEE FLEX AND LEG ANGLE UNTIL IMPACT while rotating my left hip up and towards the target!!! I have always heard maintaining the right knee flex was needed and I thought I was, but my right leg during the downswing was moving laterally to the target, OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T MAINTAIN THE SAME ANGLE. AS ADDRESS!

Guys and gals, when I did this, for the first time in my life, I could turn my hips and swing the arms and clubs with my pivot without just hitting with my upper body. All of the stuff that I have studied in Flipper for 2 years....was like WOW...I can do this now!!!

At the "sit-down" I had spacing between my legs, not almost touching like they had before. I can actually pivot now. I'm a 14 handicap and look forward to dropping into the singles this year because my short game is good...eliminating the pull hooks and blocks from my game will allow for my conservative course management( trying to keep a hooking ball in play) to cash in on the few untimely holes that I would double and triple before.

I challenge all who fight the flip to listen to Brian and others, buy Flipper, and closely study your pivot action. Look at it on video or better with Brian's crew in person if you can. This is the key to your game improving significantly. Sorry for the long post, but I'm excited and hope I can help contribute to this already AWESOME site!!!

Thanks again Brian!!!
What works for one dont mean it will work for another but as long as you pivot whatever way works for you is good. I to a flipper and couldnt get any power with irons after a lesson with mike jacobs got me on the right track. It wasnt easy for me to fire my hips and its my right one that I couldnt fire. I still have a big problem trying to get my left wrist flat but when I pivot correctly I get easy 10 to 15 yrds further than normal. I still work on it every day and my timming is getting better with the pivot. And when my hands come down before my hips nothing but problems, so for me gotta pivot.
This is the year

I agree about the flipper video- got it at the end of last golf season- I've got a lot of instruction books and a few videos but that is the one that is the biggie. Hopefully, soon I will be able to say that I am a former flipper - right now I'm a tweener - some good then some flips.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Try this if you think you've got the flipped licked for good:

Make a FULL SWING (with any club) and do your HARDEST to try and flip at it. If you pivot correctly, you CAN'T. However if you have any "leakage" in that pivot you will.
Yup great video for sure.......lots of good stuff in that sucker. (esp. for what the guy charges....honestly)

Golf's fun when u can do it eh? ;)
Make a FULL SWING (with any club) and do your HARDEST to try and flip at it. If you pivot correctly, you CAN'T. However if you have any "leakage" in that pivot you will.

Hmmm, I was thinking it (working on not flipping) had to do more with educating my hands/arms- So if I pivot correctly I can't flip?
Jim, This is something I'm working on for this year-
No flip/flat left wrist, a better pivot, tracing the plane and just trying to get out more and play.

I've been emphasizing working on my hands/wrist feel- hitting a bag, holding impact position and I even had the girls in the OT dept make me a wrist splint so my wrist can't break which has been cool for pitches.
But.. I think I've looked on the pivot somewhat separately. Big mistake?
Thanks - I have a tendency to occasionally steer- on wedge shots- maybe once every two or three rounds my left arm just pops out and I look like Arnold palmer. It's just weird that it kind of comes out of nowhere and then it goes away for 30 or 40 holes then pops out again.
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