Shooting the turkey

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I was hitting some balls today on our range when our new pro came out to hit some balls beside me. I live in a small town with s. a small club of poor country boys. Tanks tops have only recently been outlawed. He was probably sixty and had never heard of Tgm so I became suspect. I told him I was working on swivel and commenced to toil away, hitting some good ones, but every other one were pull hooks. He shyly approached after aparantly watching several shots (he was behind me) and said "You ever heard of Burt Yancey(?)I said I think I have somewhere. He said, "Burt Yancy showed me a neat trick he called shooting the turkey. You start rotating your lead wrist keeping it flat, and the right wrist bent until the shaft is out in front of you pointing to the target with the toe facing the ground. He said it looks like you are shooting a turkey with a shotgun, arms outstretched." As a hooker, I thought he had lost his mind and resumed my trudgery. After he left, I decided to shoot the turkey and prove I would hook the ball through the earth's core and come out up a Chinaman's ass. To my amazement, I shot a turkey 165 yards out dead straight with my normal 150 yard pull hook 7 iron.

You sure this guy doesn't know Homer? Me and my arrogance were humbled...and grateful. I stopped my the clubhouse and slipped him 20 and told him, "welcome."
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