short but accurate ?

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I had always sliced/faded the ball which would shorten all my distances .
I am only 5'7 and am very wide as far as my shoulders are concerned (not fat but strong.)

I have recently reworked my swing and am very happy with the accuracy but not the distance of all clubs . My new ball flight with the more rotary swing is perfectly straight but I don't seem to gained any distance even though there is no fade to its flight .

one reason I went to a around the body swing is to be able to sweep the ball off the fairway with my woods . Which has worked very well. I even carry a fairway driver now and can hit the ball very straight. but only about 210 yards with the fairway driver.

9 iron will go about 115 yards every time and land within 5 feet of the pin .
Is 115 yards short ?

I hit the pin the other day with a four iron from 165 yards out and that was a full swing .

should I be happy or work for more distance ?

In a way I have gained more distance because for the first time in my life I can hit my woods .

should I consider playing with a lady's set ?
I would like to add that after reading a few threads on this forum made all the difference in the world as far as bringing my new swing shape and thoughts around .

I quit golfing for about 2 years because I could never break 90 . I thought I would try again from scratch. with my new swing I could not break 100 until just a few good forum reads .
check this out

the best I shot since picking up the game again is 104 but the next week I shot an 89 ( the best of my life )

short game was horrible but who needs a short game if the ball hits the pin 165 yards out hahaha

should I consider longer clubs to get a bit more distance much like the way Gary Players clubs .He is my hight .

I consider myself just as coordinated as someone a foot or more taller than me . a player with longer arms but uses the same length clubs as me would have a distance advantage from the start right . It is just as easy for a short armed person to hit a white ball on the sweet spot as a 7 foot tall person

am I on the right track ?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Longer irons really won't add a lot of swing speed. You need to find out what your swing speed is and then we can determine if, by how fast you swing, if you are hitting the irons as far as you could.
I know Wishon has talked about shaft length not making a big difference. Many pro's have shorter drivers than what you go buy off the shelf. The main thing is hitting that darn sweetspot. I would recommend going to a guy that builds clubs and he will put you in the right shaft, if needed. Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback .

I played yesterday and realized that my swing is in transition to more distance .
I haven't given my new swing time enough to become a completely natural motion . I think this because my distances are changing in the middle of a round .

on a 145 yard par 3, I chose a 8 iron . my old swing would of been 135 yard 8 iron.
I barley tee it up so I thought I would end up just below the flag . I take a what felt like a firm but not full force swing . I had to take a drop because my ball went 25 yards to far . but was very straight . I was sad to take a drop but happy that my clubhead speed was so fast with so little effort . I assume that what I felt during the swing was what a golf swing should feel like .

The rest of the round was more of a new experience . with 75 % of my shots many yards longer than ever in my whole life .

I kept trying to transfer that same feeling to my driver but failed miserably my driver is now the worst club in the bag :confused:
Good news. Don't worry the driver will come around. If your worried about scoring on the course, work your transitions out on the range first. You'll have plenty of time to whip your buddies on the course when you get everthing worked out.

This forum will change your life. Seriously.

You should also check out some of Brian's videos, they are excellent. I sware, NSA took ten strokes off my game.
Check out Golf Digest July 09 Page 100 . Distance stats for Low, Middle and High Handicappers. The stats seem to me to be very much on the short side.
But when I think about some of the people I have played with over the years they probably are correct. They are showing low handicap PW at 110 yds.5 iron around 155. They don't however show where the handicaps break. They only say from -2 to +40.
Long distance does'nt equall low scores, I know plenty of short distance guys that shoot 70's; they really know how to thread the needle.

Check out Golf Digest July 09 Page 100 . Distance stats for Low, Middle and High Handicappers. The stats seem to me to be very much on the short side.
But when I think about some of the people I have played with over the years they probably are correct. They are showing low handicap PW at 110 yds.5 iron around 155. They don't however show where the handicaps break. They only say from -2 to +40.

That spread a bit much soft. You ever see a +40 hit a golf ball, they might get a 5 iron 155 once. Those distances are only that high because of those -2's
Shot Limit, says, "That spread a bit much soft. You ever see a +40 hit a golf ball, they might get a 5 iron 155 once. Those distances are only that high because of those -2's

You missed my point. They have three sets of stats, low , middle, and high handicap. Overall range is -2 to +40. What they don't say is where the breaks are that determine grouping.

Here are their stats for 5 irons Low - 155, Middle - 160, High - 125!
Low - 155/170, Middle - 155/160, High - 128/140

10 shots with a 4 iron (or similarly lofted hybrid) and 10 shots with each of the two clubs on either side. The study focus was yardage gaps across the five clubs. The assumption was that the typical non-professional's bag compliment is not optimized for scoring. The conclusion: The typical non-professional has two challanges, consistency from the thing holding on to the club and a proper bag compliment.:D
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