short game distance control

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I'm a beginner/hacker learning to be a swinger. My green-side chipping has improved since I purchased the "Flipper" DVD, in that I at least make solid contact most of the time. However, I still have a problem with distance control. For longer chips and short pitches, would you suggest that I increase the length of my backswing, increase the amount or speed of the pivot, or use different clubs for longer chips and short pitches? Currently, I use my sand wedge for all of these shots and alter my backswing, but I'm often tempted to revert to flipping as my distance from the pin increases. At the other extreme, I have a big problem with very short chips when the pin is very close to my shot. Thanks in advance.



I find it easier to use different length clubs. For longer chips, I might use a 5 or 6 iron. For short pitches, it's probably easiest to stick with the SW, LW, etc.

For now, since you are just starting out, monitor the alignments with small strokes. So for longer chips, use a club with less loft which will allow you to chip it from away without taking a big backswing.
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