Short Game, long game question

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Slowly absorbing the information of the site. Hoping to become Brian's first Scratch golfer via the internet ;)

Having struggled with my chipping for some time, mainly hitting mainly fat/occasional thin I seemed to arrive on a "eureka" moment tonight at the range.

I noticed as I practiced my takeaway that my hips moved back to the left a bit as I was standing with my ass close the the wall behind and felt it hit to the left. I also noticed that I moved my left butt cheek around and to the right as I swung through on a chip shot.

Is this what would be classed as a reverse hip motion? I have seen that there should be a pivot on nearly all shots....I feel I wasn't pivoting at all....and that the longer the swing the more time I had to correct.

Is this a common fault?

After nearly giving up last year through duffing chips I hit 50 crisp chips practicing FLW and a mini pivot of hips laterally to the right about an inch, then shifting them about 3 inches left on the way through. I stood with ass against the wall and felt sliding to the right going back and more of a sliding left going through.

Obviously hitting balls I had a rotation going on too but this was a revelation for me personally. Anyone recommend how much lateral motion there is at various shots hit?

Full shot?

Hoping to post some footage soon.

Hope Brian hasn't forgotten about my email question either :D

Looking at his schedule though........:eek:


Had a great weekend at last years Open venue Royal Liverpool. 6 rounds of Scratch Mixed foursomes with the wife.

Tough course and my wife and I look like making out first wedding aniversary next week despite this tiring weekend and my short game :D :D :D

Shame I had to putt every chip. :mad:

Any feedback appreciated
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