Should I keep my right wrist bent...or not?

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Thanks to this site I have finally discovered I am a hitter.

I am confused with one thing... My right wrist do I want to hold this wrist bent back...?

My answer would be yes, keep it bent untill well after the divot.


Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Thanks to this site I have finally discovered I am a hitter.

I am confused with one thing... My right wrist do I want to hold this wrist bent back...?

My answer would be yes, keep it bent untill well after the divot.


You dont hold the right wrist back anymore than you would throwing a baseball.

Brian Manzella


I cleared out all of the posts on this thread—except for KS's excellent one—to try for some clarity.

"toirvine" has a good question:

Thanks to this site I have finally discovered I am a hitter.

If you don't mind me asking, how did that happen, exactly?

(Since I think I am a "hitter") I am confused with one thing... My right wrist—do I want to hold this wrist bent back...?


Well, no if you bend it all the way back.

And since you WILL cock your right wrist also, you need to UN-COCK it, or you may whiff it.

Thanks for the great question.
Hi Brian;

Thanks for clearing out this one.....

Well I think i am a hitter....?
My thought over the ball is to hit down using my right side, also I like to bend my right wrist back... Am I a hitter...? ( Smash that club down )

To me it really works, concentrating on the divot rather than the ball, I have been holding my wrist bent back. But this week I will try some float loading to get it to happen more nautrally.

Would being a great divot maker ie: perfect divots make me a good ball striker..?

Thanks for your & Kevin's time on this.

Brian Manzella


(I think I am a "Hitter" because)
My thought over the ball is to hit down using my right side, also I like to bend my right wrist back... Am I a hitter...? ( Smash that club down )

What you have is a couple of "Swing Thoughts" that work for you.

I have used similar thoughts over the years, and had students using them too.

But, really, I wouldn't call it "Hitting."

"Hitting" by definition, is Force Across the Shaft. Think of pushing a shopping cart. You are putting force across the handle bar.

The MATH says you won't hit it anywhere using Force Across the Shaft only.

To achieve any kind of good clubhead speed, you need LOTS of Force Along the Shaft, what some (not me) call "Swinging."

A good way to picture Force Along the Shaft is pulling on a rope to ring a heavy bell. Heavy enough that you had to use your whole body to pull.

Maybe you have plenty Force Along the Shaft, and using a Force Across the Shaft thought helps you balance it out.

The OPTIMUM usage of the two different forces is this:

You pull from the top, and when the club is vertical for the last time before impact, you add pushing.

You apparently, have tapped into this.

Plus, keeping your right wrist bend back, along with the MASH IT DOWN with your right side thought, probably gets your clubhead path into the ball more direct. Which, it seems like, is a good thing for you.

I wouldn't add float loading to these thoughts unless you needed more feel or ummmph.
Many thanks Brian;

For a great answer.

I watch flipper a lot, I try to copy the swing when you place your plane board just behind the ball. This thought works well for me.

Wheather I am doing it similar to you is another thing. When I get it right the feel is fantastic & a great divot pattern.

Thanks again.

Yo Mike I meant to ask a serious question the first time around it probably just came out too blunt. Writing at near cell text message speed doesn't help but my fault nonetheless.

Just FYI.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
What you have is a couple of "Swing Thoughts" that work for you.

I have used similar thoughts over the years, and had students using them too.

But, really, I wouldn't call it "Hitting."

"Hitting" by definition, is Force Across the Shaft. Think of pushing a shopping cart. You are putting force across the handle bar.

The MATH says you won't hit it anywhere using Force Across the Shaft only.

To achieve any kind of good clubhead speed, you need LOTS of Force Along the Shaft, what some (not me) call "Swinging."

A good way to picture Force Along the Shaft is pulling on a rope to ring a heavy bell. Heavy enough that you had to use your whole body to pull.

Maybe you have plenty Force Along the Shaft, and using a Force Across the Shaft thought helps you balance it out.

The OPTIMUM usage of the two different forces is this:

You pull from the top, and when the club is vertical for the last time before impact, you add pushing.

You apparently, have tapped into this.

Plus, keeping your right wrist bend back, along with the MASH IT DOWN with your right side thought, probably gets your clubhead path into the ball more direct. Which, it seems like, is a good thing for you.

I wouldn't add float loading to these thoughts unless you needed more feel or ummmph.

This should be a sticky. This answer is soooooooo good.


New member
The OPTIMUM usage of the two different forces is this:

You pull from the top, and when the club is vertical for the last time before impact, you add pushing.

At what point should you apply the two different forces when making:

(i) 3/4 length backswings.
(ii) 1/2 length backswings.

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
Burnitup has taken some crap here lately, but this is a really good question.

I actually might take a stab at this one since ive been working hard at these types of shots for my own game.
At what point should you apply the two different forces when making:

(i) 3/4 length backswings.
(ii) 1/2 length backswings.

I would say the optimum way is not really important here since the goal of these less than full swings is not power, but direction, trajectory, spin and control.
If I were to swing with pattern with an eye on making a divot just past the ball and with fairly loose wrists, can the club pass over the ball and miss or miss hit it...?

To me this is so important as being a former flipper (still sometimes) The action is so different & my brain sometimes tells me i'm gonna go right over that ball.

So would logic be "you wont"
stick it know how much i enjoy this site

i want you to know that the explanation you gave was

past excellent......pulling-pushing..etc

no pressure this pressure

said it in a way even i understood......and Brian that is really sayin g something

Kevin is right......this one deserves a sticcckkkkyyy......

actually i was thinking about something else.....

i will name it for you but you take the credit

why not name the beginning the FIDDLE DRILL



That was the best explanation for force along and force across i have heard yet, but i too am interested in the 3/4 and 1/2 shots... although, the time where you will be using this is with your wedges, and I never hit a wedge "full", its usually right before I reach 3/4...

Kevin Shields

Super Moderator
That was the best explanation for force along and force across i have heard yet, but i too am interested in the 3/4 and 1/2 shots... although, the time where you will be using this is with your wedges, and I never hit a wedge "full", its usually right before I reach 3/4...

Ive found that for 3/4 shots that people who pull along the shaft alot in their swings respond well to the feeling that the trail arm is always higher than the lead arm and the have force across the shaft and angled hinging for these types of shots. For the opposite kind of player, a back and forth feel maybe gripping down a little - kinda smooth it for a 3/4 shot. Body leads both ways .
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