Yes....and no.
You need an army.
If I posted a list of my last three months, you'd wonder why I am not in a Hospital.
I do LOTS of "phone support," includinh about an hour or so last night, followed by 2 hours of getting a new lesson review delivery system in place.
The day will probably come when I will have a full-time assistant, and they might do some follow-up.
But, Joe, the time is not there even for a Mike Jacobs who lives 75 YARDS from his lesson tee, and gives 99% of his lesson at Rock Hill.
You little Italian buddy (me), has been home in Louisiana, less than 10 days this summer, and I am leaving again on Friday.
You know you can call me anytime in the evening and I'll be glad to talk.
One day, I'll have an army.