Should it be a teachers responsibility to....

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IMO, I feel if you go to a doctor and he treats you, he should call to see if its working. Same as a car mechanic. After all they were hired , and should care if everything is all right. Do you think its proper for a golf instructor to do the same? I would want to know if what i taught works....

Brian Manzella

Yes....and no.

You need an army.

If I posted a list of my last three months, you'd wonder why I am not in a Hospital.

I do LOTS of "phone support," includinh about an hour or so last night, followed by 2 hours of getting a new lesson review delivery system in place.

The day will probably come when I will have a full-time assistant, and they might do some follow-up.

But, Joe, the time is not there even for a Mike Jacobs who lives 75 YARDS from his lesson tee, and gives 99% of his lesson at Rock Hill.

You little Italian buddy (me), has been home in Louisiana, less than 10 days this summer, and I am leaving again on Friday.

You know you can call me anytime in the evening and I'll be glad to talk.

One day, I'll have an army. ;)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Not really imo, if i'm making it work in the lesson it should be working for you outside the lesson.

If it isn't, call me and we'll fix it. Otherwise i'll assume you are hitting it just as good as you were in the lesson.
This is a good question and something I struggle with. How much more "soliciting" can I do w/ out creating awkwardness? I mean, you pay the guy for a reason right? At some point the info can't all be for free!

Obviously the internet has different limitations but you get my point.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
This is a good question and something I struggle with. How much more "soliciting" can I do w/ out creating awkwardness? I mean, you pay the guy for a reason right? At some point the info can't all be for free!

Obviously the internet has different limitations but you get my point.

It is my job in the lesson to explain to you what i'm trying to get you to do. Now i only have an hour to do this and i might rush through to get it to you and if i do it right you'll do it too. But i'm there coaching you.

So sometimes you won't totally grasp it when you're on your own. That's when i field the phone calls and can re-explain things we went over or drills.
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