Hey guys
Was at the range the other day and I noticed something for the first time.
It seemed to me that on the backswing ALL the better players turned their left shoulder far enough to have it near/under their head area(even if they had shorter backswing)whilst the poorer ones were only turning to their left foot and were actually pointing to about 10 o'clock and to generalise therefore had much shorter quicker swings and were prone to less solid contact, height and distance.
Bearing in mind us less flexible guys may not get to that position, are we really hurting ourselves that much because it sure looked like it!
Can anyone reccommend an exercise that can be done that slowly increases turn without causing a medical injury
Was at the range the other day and I noticed something for the first time.
It seemed to me that on the backswing ALL the better players turned their left shoulder far enough to have it near/under their head area(even if they had shorter backswing)whilst the poorer ones were only turning to their left foot and were actually pointing to about 10 o'clock and to generalise therefore had much shorter quicker swings and were prone to less solid contact, height and distance.
Bearing in mind us less flexible guys may not get to that position, are we really hurting ourselves that much because it sure looked like it!
Can anyone reccommend an exercise that can be done that slowly increases turn without causing a medical injury