Simple Motion's Motion

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I decided to put this here as well as swing video section......


Since I totally gave Brians swing a knockin' I am kind enough to see if he can do the same - unfortunately i don't have any webspace and can't find a place to upload my video but I have found a place to upload stills. Pity cos fluidity is the best part of my swing....

Lets see if you can spot all my flaws.....
















This actually wasn't a great shot, it hooked slightly. It was just what footage I could take that day cos it started raining afterwards.

Camera angle isn't spot on either but ....

Too much knee flex. Tilt your belt buckle lower to get your tailbone higher. Also, focus on the ball. Get your eyeline down, more over the ball.

The secret is to keep the eye line pointed at the ball and to raise the back of your neck similar to a dog picking up a puppy by the scruff of its neck.

Your overdone "chin up" and knee flex can contribute to a flat plane, conducive to hooks.......

IMHO, the simply changing these two setup conditions will improve your game...most of your flaws stem out from them......

Just some suggestions...........

nice swing.


quote:Originally posted by ragman
Too much knee flex. Tilt your belt buckle lower to get your tailbone higher. Also, focus on the ball. Get your eyeline down, more over the ball.

The secret is to keep the eye line pointed at the ball and to raise the back of your neck similar to a dog picking up a puppy by the scruff of its neck.

Your overdone "chin up" and knee flex can contribute to a flat plane, conducive to hooks.......

IMHO, the simply changing these two setup conditions will improve your game...most of your flaws stem out from them......

Just some suggestions...........

nice swing.

WOW - Nice Swing !!- perhaps I misjudged you maybe your not such an A**hole afterall

My posture is pretty upright - I have always had trouble which I put down to me being 6ft 3inches.....

Ok first flaw detected.....
Your physics and flexibility are enviable, however your geometry is such that I would LOVE to play you for a living, especially if your bank account even approximates Mr. Mather's!
You look like you are to close to the ball at address. You take the club straight back, then yank it inside. For your upright swing take the club to the top so the shaft is between the right shoulder and your head. Backswing is flat and the forward swing is steep(in comaparison).
On the follow through your shaft goes around and then up changing planes.

BTW from frame 6 to 8 your hands have barely dropped but your hips have rotated quite a bit. How can this be???
Well, I posted this under videos, but I will post here too since you did.

I don't like your setup at all. Too much knee flex and not enough bend from the waist. Takeaway is excellent, great position at the top and at the start down. Nice hand postion at the top. It looks like you are a little steep in picture 9, but I think it is just the camera angle. It does look a little long though. If I were you I would end my backswing just after position 5. You also look to come slightly out of posture between 12 and 13, but that is primarily asthetic although it may effect balance. Nice full athletic finish.

It looks like you are a fairly long hitter who may have some directional problems from time to time. Overall it is a nice swing. 1 being toally suck and 10 being perfect, I would give it a 6.5 out of 10. Nice move.


quote:Originally posted by mb6606

You look like you are to close to the ball at address. You take the club straight back, then yank it inside. For your upright swing take the club to the top so the shaft is between the right shoulder and your head. Backswing is flat and the forward swing is steep(in comaparison).
On the follow through your shaft goes around and then up changing planes.

BTW from frame 6 to 8 your hands have barely dropped but your hips have rotated quite a bit. How can this be???

For my posture (as I will concede is faulty), I am the right distance away from the ball at address as that is where the arms hang naturally.

My backswing is too flat but I do recover on most occasions. My takeaway however is dead online.

My arms do start my downswing, but as I explained in brents swing sequence you trap your lower body into moving first by the fact if your arms are to swing down your right shoulder must drop. Right shoulder drops and the lower body will react. Intending to move the arms down triggers the correct sequence of events. The conscience action is arms - I never said it moves first. Your lower body will react!
Hey Ragman,

Baker's camera angle must be a little off because his right arm looks way to high (sholders open) in his good set-up example. I meet him last year and thought he was a good egg.



I like the swing, just not the setup as Rag mentioned, and i agree with you about arms/shoulders/body.


could be the angle, but it looks like your right elbows is too far behind you and "stuck" Like to see it more in front.


You need to stick your butt out a bit more and bend over more from the waist.Your spine angle is too upright and that means you can't swing the club at 90 deg in relation to your spine.

Almost every touring pro that I have studied sets up with the club close to 90 deg in relation to the spine angle(as shown by Baker)and keeps it close to 90 deg throughout the swing...something you're not doing.JMHO


First impressions are " Nice swing shame about the set up" You would look better if you had more bend from the hips and less of a chin up attitude. I know Brian likes to se a horizontal neck at impact. At impact your right shoulder looks too far in front and not low enough so it may be above plane . I would like to see mikestloc's swing next to yours as you are the same kind of size and build.

Posted - 09/25/2003 : 09:55:46

could be the angle, but it looks like your right elbows is too far behind you and "stuck" Like to see it more in front.

I agree with this . I see your ideal at the top elbow attitude as being as something between those in pic 4 and 5. The elbow position leads to a punch rather than pitch position at impact. All in all a good motion . My hunch is is that if you had a couple of lessons from Brian your faults at address would be fixed and things would fall in place and you would have a great swing.
quote:Originally posted by hue
My hunch is is that if you had a couple of lessons from Brian your faults at address would be fixed...

A couple of lessons from any instructor. The poor posture in this pic is the first thing that anybody would mention.
I dot think the posture in frame #2 is all bad. You are tall and prefer to swing upright. Biggest problem is The club starts off well then goes inside and flat. You should post front view photos.
Posture to upright, not bending from the hips, your bending those knees way to much, your leaning too much over the ball. Spine has know tilt.

Backswing, because of the poor setup, your taking it back a little laid off. Downswing your left hip turned way to soon, caused you to overcompensate and move over the shot.

Finish was good, nice and high, to a point, but don't need to add all the wrap at the end, ouch on the back.

Overall, positive, I have seen plenty worse.

Nike clothing?

Swing well!

SM, can you fill us in with a little bit of info?

Whats your normal distance with an 8iron? A driver?
Whats your handicap?
Ball-flight tendancies?



Back swing starts ok then gets under plane before you end up with a flying right elbow and an across the line overswing due to over rotation of your shoulders.

You then compensate on the down swing by coming over plane and out to in.

None of this will change until you alter your set up. Your feet are too close to the ball , your hands are too close to your crotch and this makes you too upright with no room for manoeuvre. Looks like you hit the ball towards the heel of the club and it went left.

The exaggerated follow through, curiously under plane and then over plane, adds nothing to your shot and will give you back trouble sooner rather than later.

The good points are flat left wrist at the top and, seemingly, at impact. You also get into a decent impact position despite everything else.

Altering your set up should solve most of your problems because you are not too far away from where you need to be.
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