SKYPE LESSONS now available from Brian Manzella

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Brian Manzella

For the next 6 weeks, I will be available for Skype Lessons at the rate of $150 an hour.

If you are a players, you can use this to either go over details of your swing from home, or you can take a phone or laptop to the range, and with a webcam (or better) and wiFi, get a lesson from me live from anywhere in the world.

If you are an instructor, you can use this to either assist you live with a lesson, or separately go over some swings that you would like a second opinion on. Also, we can go over any technical golf swing questions you or your staff might have.

I am testing this out before we launch the new websites so we can see how to integrate this into what we offer permanently.

The cost is $150 for an hour and to schedule, you can PM me or email me at

Thanks and looking forward to helping you,

Skype Lesson with Brian Manzella Review - 12/09/2013

Brian and I had a Skype lesson yesterday afternoon. I'm going to discuss my thoughts on the process and Brian's teaching.

Skype as a lesson facilitator - 8/10
Brian was on a wifi connection and I was using Sprint 3G connection at my local grass range. We seemed to have a very slow frame rate, but the video was still clear and Brian was able to see what he needed to see. I would say a test should be done with 2 wifi connections to see if better quality can be achieved. If it's not possible, we can always record a swing and email/skype attachment it over to Brian.

I used a smartphone for skype and another one for bluetooth phone conversation. There is an issue with using bluetooth and sykpe video.

Brian's teaching - 10/10
Brian knows his stuff. Within 5 minutes he found the major problem, explained why it's a problem, confirmed my own thoughts, and we went through feelings and positions for a while. At the end when it was clear that I wasn't going to pure any on this day, he discussed drills and answered my questions, even coming up with a brand new drill to bridge my current understanding with the final move.

My big issue above all issues is my pivot. It always has been. Brian has now got me moving in the right direction and I can probably work on this move for months before getting it solid.

Brian is sending me some "homework" and notes from the lesson for me to work on. This way I don't forget anything or miss an important point.

Nothing is going to replace a live lesson with Brian, but he doesn't need to be there to give you an awesome lesson. Brian is the man and I look forward to more lessons. As I said Brian, let me know when you are in the Phoenix area and we can do this again live.
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Just a quick update - its been almost 3 weeks since my lesson with Brian. As I said before, Brian and I corresponded after the lesson just to clarify a few things. I took about a page of notes when I got home from the lesson, and Brian reviewed them and clarified/added a few points.

What kind of instructor not only gives you a great lesson with specific details and explanations, then later follows up to be sure you're on the right track.

Example - my move to work on is essentially a "back into the target" move, a great example is hogan's move while the club is in the top of the backswing. Next, I am to tilt/turn to get myself out of this position and have my lower body lead (axis tilt). Well, Brian made sure to point out that while in the first part of the move (the back in) to keep my lead shoulder lower than my trailing shoulder, otherwise I've got too much axis tilt at this point in the swing.

EVERY other instructor I've ever had would have just let me make that mistake and fix it in the next lesson. You want an honest guy who wants you to get better? Go with Brian. He stays busy enough that he doesn't resort to extra lesson tactics. The $150 I spent on this lesson got me more than the last 5 $60 lessons ever did. Plus I'll get where I'm headed faster and without frustration of missing pieces.

So, all in all, I'm really pleased. I'm a former +1 and finally tired of my poor swing holding me back (it always did). Even with a crazy feeling swing change to my pivot, 3 weeks later and I'm hitting quality shots after 3 straight weeks in the high 80's. Super effective lesson!

If you have a wifi connection, like in your home or at a dome with one, it's absolutely a no brainer to get a Skype lesson. Even with my 3G connection, I am very pleased with what we were able to do. Like I said before, Brian can work with whatever you give him - the man knows his stuff.
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