Slice Help w/ Video

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Hey Everyone,

My name is Tyler, and this is my first post on here...pretty pumped! Really hoping you guys can help me out. I've been playing golf for several years now, I'm a 13.6 index, but I struggle with a hard fade/slice with clubs longer than an 8i. I have a strong 3-4 knuckle grip yet leave the face open and I think come over the top.

Could someone with more knowledge than I please diagnosis the problem(s) and suggest some drills to fix my swing? I don't mind a fade (would love to learn a draw), but need more consistency to hit my goals of breaking 80 and having a single-digit index.

Here's the link. Thank you so much in advance!

All the best,
Tyler, do a search on this forum and google for the following: never slice again, twistaway, gamma torque.

The root of slicing is a clubface that is too open. Start with the above and see if that helps.

Brian Manzella

It always seems that a strong grip is the answer to your slice woes.

Work on the neutral grip in NSA2 and the twistaway (gamma). Combined with the Soft Draw pattern's "one last point" and you'll be 100% better.
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