Love this site and have learned alot. This is my first post. My "natural" swing is a rock solid, consistant, heavy duty slice. I've been studying NSA 2.0. My pre NSA correction was a very strong grip with hands forward, resulting in a very delofted clubface w/ lots of driver misses low and to the right (I'm left handed). Incorporating more axis tilt and arm swinging with a bit of retained twist-away during the downswing and thru impact has really helped get my ball flight higher and straighter. That's the good news. But I can't seem to make a neutral grip work at all. I lose the grip going back or during transition. It feels totally unstable and I've varied grip pressure but can't seem to make it work. I know Brian recommends a neutral grip, but with the changes I mentioned above, I'm beginning to see some consistancy (straight flight ~240 yd carry) and my frazzled self wants to leave well enough alone for now. Has anyone been thru this (personally or with students)?