In my younger days playing soft ball I was told I had slow hands in hitting the softball. My friend played minor league ball. He was small and hit it very far and said he had fast hands. I notice all the ball players that hit it far and who didnt still to this day do the same with the golf swing. Meaning I hit the ball 250 to 270 with a soft ball and with a golf ball 230 to 240. the guys that hit the softball 300 plus hit the golfball 300 yards plus. So I notice this with all the players I played with. Now me having slow hands I notice I do decelerate down to the golf ball. When I use my pivot my hands are always lagging and I hit behind or on the ball not infront of it. Now if I consitrate getting my hands quicker I do take a divot in front of the ball. Now I know your not suppose to start down with your hands but when I lead with my lower body my hands lag. What to do anyone?