Smoothing out putting and chipping action?

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Brian: My swing is now much better and I am moving the downswing more left as you suggested. My swing is now much better than the rest of the game.My swing is much smoother than my putting and chipping strokes. How do you get someone to smooth out their putting and chipping action? Suggestions from others are welcome. Thanks
Here's some of the things I try to do Hue:

If you're a swinger,
-actually SWING the in "let it swing" a swingset.

If you're a hitter,
....hell if I know! :)...I'm a swinger.

-learn how to manage anxiety and calm your nerves.

-develop a routine, stick to it.....this way you aren't consciously fiddling or adjusting or thinking too much over the ball.

-I actually like this tip from Leadbetter:

Nothing too new there but that's basically what I work on...besides my setup- right forearm on plane, etc.

Hope that helps.
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