Soft Draw and Swinging Left

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When using the soft draw pattern with short irons, will the plane line that is traced point left of the target line in order to accommodate the D-plane? In the soft draw video, BM says that the plane line should point about 1 yard right of the target. I assume that is for mid to long irons and woods, and as one moves to shorter clubs the plane line will shift to the left of target to account for the sharper angle of attack? Correct? Thanks for any help you can give.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
the horizontal swing plane is still going to the right and you are still hitting down on the ball thus further making your horizontal swing plane go to the right. So you still need to aim to the right to play the draw it is going to create.
When using the soft draw pattern with short irons, will the plane line that is traced point left of the target line in order to accommodate the D-plane? In the soft draw video, BM says that the plane line should point about 1 yard right of the target. I assume that is for mid to long irons and woods, and as one moves to shorter clubs the plane line will shift to the left of target to account for the sharper angle of attack? Correct? Thanks for any help you can give.


You got it.

Brian is making a generalization about hitting a soft draw with the Soft Draw pattern. You can hit a fade with the basic Soft Draw pattern. You can tweak the Soft Draw pattern to shape shots according to the D-plane laws.

The D-plane doesn't care where you hit it, it just tells you why :)
as one moves to shorter clubs the plane line will shift to the left of target to account for the sharper angle of attack

Maybe the confusion results because plane line left for short irons is the way to hit straight shots, i.e. zero out the D plane.
Thanks for the help. BM says that the way to control lowpoint is to swing left more. Is that consistent with the soft draw pattern, particularly with the short irons? I am trying to use the soft draw pattern, and frequently hit my short irons fat. Can you aim the plane line slightly right of target and also swing left?

Thanks again.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Thanks for the help. BM says that the way to control lowpoint is to swing left more. Is that consistent with the soft draw pattern, particularly with the short irons? I am trying to use the soft draw pattern, and frequently hit my short irons fat. Can you aim the plane line slightly right of target and also swing left?

Thanks again.


it sounds like you are just swinging too right so yes you can swing a bit more left than you are now but it is still right make sense?


I still not clear on the soft draw pattern.Your feet are 1 yard right of the target that sets you up like 5-10 yrds right of target now you swing striaght out and your ball will draw to target? But you also have to take the club more of an inside takeaway????
Joep, if you don't have the Soft Draw video, then learning the pattern on the forum will be very tough. Best $9.99 you will ever spend on golf.


I do have it, just want to know if I`m right.I have every video and lessons from brian and jacobs just have a tough time with video`s ,like hands on better.
I still not clear on the soft draw pattern.Your feet are 1 yard right of the target that sets you up like 5-10 yrds right of target now you swing striaght out and your ball will draw to target? But you also have to take the club more of an inside takeaway????

is your question about ballflight? if so, just think about the ball starting pretty close to where the face is pointing at impact. if the path and face are not pointing in the same direction at impact, then the ball turns away from the path. so, to hit a draw, your face should be pointing where you want the ball to start (i.e., 5 yards), and the path your clubhead travels on has to be a little more to the right (i.e., 10 yards).
as far as the soft draw pattern, the idea behind the takeaway is to avoid "pop out" (the handle from moving too far from your body), as well as helping to prevent you from over rotation of the left arm and getting laid off.
Call me "Old School" but when I read things like, "Your feet are 1 yard right of the target that sets you up like 5-10 yrds right of target" it strikes me that this is not very real world practical. Aim a little right, hit it, and watch it. Then adjust and do it again until you start to get it right.

You can lay down alignment sticks or clubs to help get the stick line close to a couple of yards right. You can place your feet parallel to the sticks but that doesn't mean you are actually aimed along your heel line. In my experience, it's very difficult to actually determine where you are aimed. You need a knowledgeable friend to coach you.

Also seems to me that while it is important to understand the why's, of a draw for instance, it's more important to simply hit balls using the general information, and watch the ball flight. Play around with aiming and ball flight movement until you can do it. Out on the course, you must rely on this ingrained practiced feel.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Call me "Old School" but when I read things like, "Your feet are 1 yard right of the target that sets you up like 5-10 yrds right of target" it strikes me that this is not very real world practical. Aim a little right, hit it, and watch it. Then adjust and do it again until you start to get it right.

You can lay down alignment sticks or clubs to help get the stick line close to a couple of yards right. You can place your feet parallel to the sticks but that doesn't mean you are actually aimed along your heel line. In my experience, it's very difficult to actually determine where you are aimed. You need a knowledgeable friend to coach you.

Also seems to me that while it is important to understand the why's, of a draw for instance, it's more important to simply hit balls using the general information, and watch the ball flight. Play around with aiming and ball flight movement until you can do it. Out on the course, you must rely on this ingrained practiced feel.

1 yard right is a beginnig point and estimate; however please understand that aim has nothing to do with ballfight. However aiming in a certain place does help influence how easy/hard it is to create the d-plane you want.


Danny thanks, its the pop out that I was confused about . I understand the rest. Thanks all that tried to help.joe
I understand that, but I am simply saying that without some help from behind it's difficult to know where you are really aimed. I know the tricks, like club across the thighs, can you see your left shoulder etc., but it is still difficult to aim correctly. I also think that aiming wrong, does influence ball flight because you will make a compensating sort of subconscious correction toward the target. This is much more of a factor with a less skilled player.

I played casual walking 9 last week with a guy, who never breaks 90, that I know a little bit. He's asked me for help. On one hole, after he hit, I asked him where he thought he was aimed on the tee shot. Dead center was his response. He was aimed at least 40, maybe 50 yards right, but he compensated and hit it only slightly right.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
softconsult....i'm with you really; however please understand that you aim where ever you want to create the ballflight you want. Maybe aiming way right for that guy was what he needed and it didn't matter where he THOUGHT he was aiming.

Aiming alone means nothing; it's a hard concept to grasp but in all honestly it doesn't matter perse but it does have SOME influence.
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