Soft Draw backswing and no "popout"

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I seem to find it easy to take the club back inside yet still "popout"

In trying to get this feel I held a sponge ball inbetween my elbows (other commercial sponge balls are available that I thought were useless ;))
and tried to keep it there, swing back inside to get the butt of the club pointing just right of target and making sure the ball doesn't rotate to the right to keep the right elbow higher than the left.

This feels like a "deep" position at halfway back.

Is it ok to do this and if so how long would/should I be able to hold the ball for in the backswing?

Might try to get a pic or video up.
If it helps, I don't see a whole lot wrong with it. I think the ball should fall out after your hands get past hip height, allowing your arms/elbows to widen out.

I did something similar with a balloon months ago. I just blew up the balloon to the right size, put the "tip" in the middle of my arms, and made sure that tip didn't point behind me in the takeaway. Then I just let it fall out when my arms widened out.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The main key to avoid popup in the soft draw backswing is the lift of the arms. Some people just can't do it and i have had to modify it for a few students who just can't seem to let that right elbow "fly." If you keep it tucked and take it that inside, popout and laid off city
Having just seen the replies whilst faffing on youtube, I should drop the ball after hip high?
I am only as far as working on the backswing on soft draw but the more I "feel" I do a soft draw backswing the better I seem to hit it.
Could someone. . .

give a short explanation of just what "popout" is? Thanks. I seem to have missed the boat on this one.
i think the key to te SD backswing is making the hands go "in" quickly and "in" enough. when i do the SD backswing i feel asif my hands go behind me whilst staying at hip height then lifting vertically. almost like i feel like tommy armour half way back, then the 2nd half of my backsing is jm furyk like
as long as you feel like your right hand is higher than your left hand...there won't be any pop out. Pop out is natural for everybody because it's so easy to just roll your hands over and inside.

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