Great Questions!
In SD you mention your dislike of parallel left. If one is trying to hit a dead straight shot, should they not aim their feet to the left of the target the same distance that the ball is from them?
I understand what you are asking, and the answer to YOUR question is YES THEY SHOULD.
But there are a couple of other DEEPER thing going on with your very good question.
Why do I dislike "parallel left"?
Because golfers overdo it big time, and can't get to the inside of the ball and still snalp their kinetic chain a lick.
Where should you aim to hit a straight ball?
In "Do It Right 2.0" I will present many things about the straight ball, one of which you can chew on now.
To hit the ball DEAD STRAIGHT you need a PLANE LINE that is to the LEFT on almost every club, but surely the wedges and short irons.
Also, for the SD pattern, where should the clubface be aimed?
It really doesn't matter much at address, but my preference would be very slightly open.