Soft Draw, Parallel Left, & Clubface Aim

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In SD you mention your dislike of parallel left. If one is trying to hit a dead straight shot, should they not aim their feet to the left of the target the same distance that the ball is from them? Also, for the SD pattern, where should the clubface be aimed?


Brian Manzella

Great Questions!

In SD you mention your dislike of parallel left. If one is trying to hit a dead straight shot, should they not aim their feet to the left of the target the same distance that the ball is from them?

I understand what you are asking, and the answer to YOUR question is YES THEY SHOULD.

But there are a couple of other DEEPER thing going on with your very good question.


Why do I dislike "parallel left"?

Because golfers overdo it big time, and can't get to the inside of the ball and still snalp their kinetic chain a lick.​

Where should you aim to hit a straight ball?

In "Do It Right 2.0" I will present many things about the straight ball, one of which you can chew on now.

To hit the ball DEAD STRAIGHT you need a PLANE LINE that is to the LEFT on almost every club, but surely the wedges and short irons.

Also, for the SD pattern, where should the clubface be aimed?

It really doesn't matter much at address, but my preference would be very slightly open.
Rather than parallel left, should one aim to just be parallel to your chosen planeline? ( Depending on what shot you are trying to hit....)
Is that due to most people spinning their boddies open giving them little chance of hitting a solid shot?

I certainly compress it better drawing my right foot back sometimes....

And when my chipping was REAL bad I chipped better from a closed stance....

Brian Manzella

Is that due to most people spinning their boddies open giving them little chance of hitting a solid shot?

At impact, you should have your hips about 50° open, your shoulders 20° open, your tailbone 4 or so inches farther targetward and a couple toward the left heel, have about 38° of axis tilt, and your head should have moved backward and downward...[/QUOTE]


So whatever STANCE LINE you need to have to get those number close—for you—then go ahead Bobby Locke/Lee Trevino—get er done!

I certainly compress it better drawing my right foot back sometimes....

I played my best golf in '94-'95 with my right foot back and aiming left for a fade!

And when my chipping was REAL bad I chipped better from a closed stance....

I chipped that way back then too, and I was pretty good from there.
I'm glad this question was posted because I was wondering the same thing. The reason is that I like to aim the clubface first and then the rest of me. It lets you pick out a small object (leaf, grass, etc.) in front of you that is in-line with your target. Isn't that pretty "standard-dandard"? So what should I do if I want to keep this same setup method (club first then body)? I think this is the missing link for me. Once I get this down it's going to be smooth sailing. Thanks!
What IS "parallel left" Curtis?

It's my understanding that parallel left means that the clubface is pointing directly at the target (for a straight shot) while your feet are aimed "parallel left". Some people make the mistake of laying a club down at their feet and then check to see if it points to the target. Then they "correct" their aim (with their feet) only to have their ball land right of where they were trying to go. I hope that makes sense. Once again, that's my understanding which could be TOTALLY INCORRECT! HAH
A true "parallel left" aim of your feet would have your feet (I would assume measured by your heels) aimed about 2-3 feet left of the target. Parallel lines by definition stay the same distance from each other to infinity. Thus, if your feet are aimed "parallel left" of your target, they'd be aimed the same 2-3 feet from your target that they are from the ball. I think Brian's point is that most people over-do this "parallel left" idea and aim a good 15-20 yards left of target, thinking they are parallel.

Brian Manzella


A true "parallel left" aim of your feet would have your feet (I would assume measured by your heels) aimed about 2-3 feet left of the target. Parallel lines by definition stay the same distance from each other to infinity. Thus, if your feet are aimed "parallel left" of your target, they'd be aimed the same 2-3 feet from your target that they are from the ball. I think Brian's point is that most people over-do this "parallel left" idea and aim a good 15-20 yards left of target, thinking they are parallel.

That is an A+
Hands up everyone who puts a club down for alignment at the range along their feet 10-15 yards left of target.....

"Raises hand first..........."

So a better plan (assuming you WANT to be parallel) at a range for example is to place a club on BALL to target line, and match your club/foot guide to that......

Seems simple now.....
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Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Hands up everyone who puts a club down for alignment at the range along their feet 10-15 yards left of target.....

"Raises hand first..........."

So a better plan (assuming you WANT to be parallel) at a range for example is to place a club on BALL to target line, and match your club/foot guide to that......

Seems simple now.....

In reference to your that you and your wife in those USGA handicap commercials? ;)
Hands up everyone who puts a club down for alignment at the range along their feet 10-15 yards left of target.....

"Raises hand first..........."

So a better plan (assuming you WANT to be parallel) at a range for example is to place a club on BALL to target line, and match your club/foot guide to that......

Seems simple now.....

I found it easy to visualise (visualize for you over the water) being 500 feet in the air..
If you then look down on the rail tracks from golfer to the hole you would see that to remain parallel, they have to end up exactly the same distance from the hole as your feet are from the ball........
for all intents and purposes, just aim at the freakin' target. The mere act of turning your left toe out makes a few yards of difference.
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