Tried SD today for first time. I was awful and then my whole swing, which is gawd awful to begin with fell apart.
I've been working on Basic Motion and acquired motion to educate my hands and to get a flat left wrist. Been doing this diligently for the last week. Have also changed my grip to the one Hogan describes in his book. My shots had been somewhat straight with a few hooks, and very few fades but nothing bad like today.
I started as a slicer, now a huge hooker most of the time. Today trying the SD I was back to a slice or lets be kind and call it a soft fade. On yeah, plenty of hooks and OTT Pulls along with the dreaded s***ks thrown in to crush my enthusiasm even further. Now I know this is not the fault of SD. I've obviously got some major swing flaws and I don't know what I'm doing right or wrong any longer and I refuse to go to the cookie cutter instructor. Of course I can't afford the Butch Harmons or Brian Manzella's either.
I have to be honest it seems I take one step forward and three back. I'm very frustrated.
Wish I could afford to go see Brian, but the trip to Louisiana and lessons would be way out of my budget. Know any good affordable instructors in the Kennesaw, GA, Woodstock, Ga area?