This why asian and european countries have better players these days, because they don't follow hank haney.
Whats up with the ad for 9000 chinese ladies waiting for love???
Aren't these things based on your browsing history..?
if I did that swing I would pull hook into the next fairway. As a matter of fact I have done that type of swing and pulled hooked it into the other fairway.Bad memories.
if I did that swing I would pull hook into the next fairway. As a matter of fact I have done that type of swing and pulled hooked it into the other fairway.Bad memories.
That is a humongous reverse tumble into impact especially with the driver.I have been there,done that also and I don't like the memories either.
you do swing pretty left tho
When u see me? I havent been to san bernardino lately, Im in fountain valley, mile square now a days.
you showed me your youtube videos