Some Feedback from Brian

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Played my first round in several months this week, and took a camera with me. I saw some interesting things, and would like to know what you think (sorry, don't have the hardware to transfer the images to the computer yet).

First of all, ballflight was a draw, hook, push, or push cut. Nothing started to the left. Best shots were straight with a tail of a fade w/ a nine iron, and a 7 iron.

Face on view: Set up with hands forward, shaft inline with left arm. Swing actually looked ok until just after impact; had a flip that moved into a chicken wing.

Down the line: Fairly high hands at the top, come down on plane, right shoulder a little under plane, not much rotation of the body. Hands follow through high, and the club exits vertically; I don't think it ever swings back inside. Swing also looked very "undynamic", as if the pivot contributed nothing. I was also being encouraged to swing very smooth the whole round.

Judging by the video, I knew that I needed to get my pivot turning on the downswing, and that I had to get the club swinging left and onplane in and after the followthrough. Here's what I did:

First of all, I strengthened my grip a little, especially the right hand. This allowed me to improve my impact alignments.

For the pivot, I feel like I'm turning my left hip behind me from the top. I also feel my right shoulder turning a little more out than down; this is keeping my pivot from stalling out. I also make sure that I allow PP4 to load up by leaving my hands behind at the start of the downswing.

For my arms and hands, in addition to the grip change, I try to feel the clubface facing the ground and swinging left. I also make sure that I'm driving down and to the left. This helps in getting the club back on plane on the followthrough. I also do what feels like a right forearm pickup. This helps me set up the loading of pp4.

I've been working on this for 3 days, and I seem to have improved the chicken wing/bent left wrist/pivot/plane issues making the changes I've made. Of course, I haven't hit balls yet, but I know that what I saw was no good. What would you do differently? Any suggestions?
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