Some Guidence Please

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Hi Guys,

I play off a 7 handicap.

I have been having some major issues lately and cannot for the life of me work out what is going wrong. I have lost distance, am hitting 3 clubs extra with the irons for the same distance as 4 months ago.

I have a draw with my short irons - 7 to S/W, Pushing my long Irons and Driver.

All my divots are shallow and point left of target.

When I hit the ball well I get comments from people like, you really put your body into that swing. (Makes me think maybe I am lunging ?

I used to feel the squat on my d/s I don't feel that anymore. Sometimes I feel like I am dipping down into the ball.

I have noticed my stance is becoming more and more closed, when I try to open it up I hit my irons fat, and hit a pop up with my driver.

I don't have a camera yet so can't post a swing vid.

If anyone could help with some area's I can look at I would be most appreciative.
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Hi Kevin,

Thanks for your reply.

Is a likely cause of that over rotating on the backswing ? and a inside takeaway ?
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