Bear in mind I’m only 10 days and few hundred range balls into blowing up my old swing and trying the concepts presented here but I am very pleased with what I’ve seen so far. I know this is an important time for me since you are only new to something once and it is obviously critical to try to ingrain the right movements early rather than unlearning the bad ones later. So here’s some random musings I’ve gleamed so far. Some may be obvious but bear with me:
1. The body pivot is it. Period. I absolutely cannot believe in all the myriad of lessons I received throughout my golfing life that it never was the focal point.
2. Really focusing on just swinging at the moment. May introduce the right arm in due time. But without any conscious effort, just uber relaxed hands and arms, I’m blown away by how the club face just squares itself.
3. A straightening right leg gives me a better pivot back and through than loading the inside of a bent right knee.
4. Gotta delay at the top while the weight falls left. But holy crap, does it ever seem like I’m up there for an eternity!
5. My left elbow scrapes against my left rib cage just below the pec when coming through. Good or not?
6. More upright produces straighter shots. Flatter for me equals left. Bear in mind I came from the “One Plane” dungeon.
7. That “thump” on the ground when you really pure an 8-iron is unmistakable. Previously, I thought a nice “swoosh” was it. Uh – no.
8. There’s a sweet spot for pivot speed. Too slow and it won’t pick up my arms fast enough. I’ll toe it or drop it in fat. Too fast and I might make good contact but lord knows where it’s going. Poor contact here is usually thin.
9. A little forward lean of the club, maybe 2 or 3 inches, at address gives me better consistency. That looks to go against convention. Concerning?
10. I mentioned this in my first post and I’ll say it again, swinging a golf club by letting your body fling your arms around is so darn counter-intuitive it’s ridiculous. I mean, you HAVE to “swing” the club with your arms because that’s what it’s attached to, right? I spent 30 years believing that and finally see the error in my ways by how the information was presented here.
Let me know if I’m way off on anything.
1. The body pivot is it. Period. I absolutely cannot believe in all the myriad of lessons I received throughout my golfing life that it never was the focal point.
2. Really focusing on just swinging at the moment. May introduce the right arm in due time. But without any conscious effort, just uber relaxed hands and arms, I’m blown away by how the club face just squares itself.
3. A straightening right leg gives me a better pivot back and through than loading the inside of a bent right knee.
4. Gotta delay at the top while the weight falls left. But holy crap, does it ever seem like I’m up there for an eternity!
5. My left elbow scrapes against my left rib cage just below the pec when coming through. Good or not?
6. More upright produces straighter shots. Flatter for me equals left. Bear in mind I came from the “One Plane” dungeon.
7. That “thump” on the ground when you really pure an 8-iron is unmistakable. Previously, I thought a nice “swoosh” was it. Uh – no.
8. There’s a sweet spot for pivot speed. Too slow and it won’t pick up my arms fast enough. I’ll toe it or drop it in fat. Too fast and I might make good contact but lord knows where it’s going. Poor contact here is usually thin.
9. A little forward lean of the club, maybe 2 or 3 inches, at address gives me better consistency. That looks to go against convention. Concerning?
10. I mentioned this in my first post and I’ll say it again, swinging a golf club by letting your body fling your arms around is so darn counter-intuitive it’s ridiculous. I mean, you HAVE to “swing” the club with your arms because that’s what it’s attached to, right? I spent 30 years believing that and finally see the error in my ways by how the information was presented here.
Let me know if I’m way off on anything.