Spaghetti arms conundrum

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Mike Finney said that one of the things Ben Doyle drummed into him was to keep his arms like "spaghetti" (I assume well-cooked spaghetti) to allow them to be driven by centrifugal force. BUT, how does Mike have such great left arm extension in the backswing and at the top? I assume through extensor action, but when I try it, more often then not my arms become "uncooked" spaghetti. Any help is appreciated.


quote:Originally posted by RicoSuave05

is it possible to load the 4th accumulator with loose shoulders?
Yup! The idea is just to maintain contact between your upper arm and tit until "blast off", rather than squeeze the juice out of it.[:I]
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068

quote:Originally posted by pm4610

quote:Originally posted by brianman


Sounds harder than it is.

Loose wrists with a firm and flat left wrist...gotta be hard to do.

You seemed to be doing it well when i showed you how to float load it ;)

lol! I think that was the only I was in the "zone"!
quote:Yup! The idea is just to maintain contact between your upper arm and tit until "blast off", rather than squeeze the juice out of it.
Thanks Burner for this important (for me) info. So loading accus is not to mix up with muscle-tone.
lg Rico


Blast off doesn't occur until AFTER the ball is struck? Just how long does the connection last? Until both arms straight?
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