Brian Manzella
Jerry1967 posed the question, "why would someone spin out the left shoulder."
It is a very good question.
If you start the second phase of the downswing (the part where you start really torquing the club) before you get your Center of Pressure (what FEELS LIKE your weight) far enough left, you will spin your torso and your pelvis out if you try to unwind at all.
Try to SAVE SOME of your torso turn as you push off of your right foot and get to your left.
It is one of the most important moves in golf—get left enough, still closed enough, with your left shoulder still low enough.....then BOOM!...jump, unwind, and tuck your hips.
It is a very good question.
If you start the second phase of the downswing (the part where you start really torquing the club) before you get your Center of Pressure (what FEELS LIKE your weight) far enough left, you will spin your torso and your pelvis out if you try to unwind at all.
Try to SAVE SOME of your torso turn as you push off of your right foot and get to your left.
It is one of the most important moves in golf—get left enough, still closed enough, with your left shoulder still low enough.....then BOOM!...jump, unwind, and tuck your hips.